Electronics Forum | Sun Apr 26 22:47:42 EDT 2020 | autolab
Hello, We would like to manufacture the OBD II port automobile scanner from your firm. What we need from you? To manufacture the PCB, stuffed the components inside and manufacture the housing. Manufacture few samples, then thousands. What we h
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 28 17:27:31 EDT 1999 | Steve Gregory
Thank for the input. But I guess I was looking for more. We have been transferring boards for some time and a have good working relationship with our primary CEM and have worked out many bugs. I was thinking more on the order and don't shoot me bu
Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 14 15:22:14 EST 1999 | Earl Moon
| Steve, | Whoa, take a breath! That was at least a dollar three-eighty answer. I've got to agree that nothing can replace a qualified, concientious operator for assuring quality. When I too worked at a small shop there in SillyCone Valley, my
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