Electronics Forum: issues (Page 1 of 759)

SMT issues

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 08 11:55:28 EST 2006 | dany

Hi all, we are manufacturing smt components and some weeks ago our customers are facing many problems related to weeting and solderability. I know it is due to the Lead free processes, but anyway, we are quite confuse. In case it was possible, what c

soldering issues

Electronics Forum | Mon May 06 16:14:41 EDT 2002 | russ

Would the lead finish on this part happen to be Paladium? I had a problem similar to this some time ago and we found the lead finish was not tin/lead over copper but paladium over nickel. We had to increase the reflow to 225 deg. C peak temp with t

soldering issues

Electronics Forum | Mon May 06 11:49:20 EDT 2002 | Jacob

Hello all, I am having soldering issues with an Everlight component it is a TM4201/TR2 (Right angle IRDA with a 1mm pitch). The problem I have is that after reflow the solder joints look perfect, but during test we are losing 7 micro amps as soon as

SMT issues

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 09 08:34:07 EST 2006 | davef

If your component meets ANSI/J-STD-002 - Solderability Tests for Component Leads, Terminations, Lugs, Terminals, and Wires, then the problem is at your customer's operation. If the problem is at your customer's operation, it's very difficult to anal

soldering issues

Electronics Forum | Thu May 09 17:16:16 EDT 2002 | davef

Russ makes a good point. While your profile probably meets your paste supplier recommendations, it may not be proper for the component. * Paste suppliers offer general recommendations for tin / lead interconnects. You need to modify that for board

sot363 placement issues

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 12 08:27:37 EDT 2006 | jdengler

aj What exactly is the reliability issues? Rejects? Missing components? Poor alignment? Jerry

Solder printing issues

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 08 14:58:59 EST 2002 | davef

On the board support issue: DEK and Ovation Products make board support things to get at the issue you describe. Ovation hosted an On-Board Forum on SMTnet a while ago.

Solderability issues with bareboards

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 14 10:45:05 EST 2005 | kmeline

We seem to be having a lot of issues with solder not flowing to the end of surface pads especially on fine pitch. These are assemblies we have run in the past with few issues. The bareboard finishes do not look the best. Has anyone been experiencing

soldering issues with MELFs

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 26 07:44:07 EDT 2008 | kmeline

Hello, we are having issues with two assemblies where the Melfs will lift or not solder on one end of the components. Has anyone had issues with this in the past? What can be done to help this? Thanks

Soldering issues lately!!

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 11 20:32:08 EDT 2008 | diesel_1t

I know that most of the problems are called solder issues, this is why i put "solder related" quoted because i have seen more than usual "solderability issues" posted on this forum lately. I had a tombstoning issues with 0603 resistors, on some mat

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