Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 14 13:37:52 EST 2022 | assuredtech
What programming / communication software are you using? Does the machine have the J11 Controller? When changing the batteries you most likely lost the Executive file (machine configuration file), so you need to reset the controller and reload your E
Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 06 08:03:42 EST 2018 | wolverine55
Thanks Don, I will pass this info on to the Maintenance department at the plant where this machine is located. I did see an exec stored in the machine's host computer while it was there, it was under a UIC filename of BC237A. They have new 3.6 volt
Electronics Forum | Sat Mar 17 14:14:30 EDT 2018 | introlab
Hi . If the machine was not connencted to power ,the battery failed and the controllers exec was lost or corrupted. Check the bettery on J11 controler ,if it is dead this is the case. Change the battery and reload the exec. There is an exec file
Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 28 11:00:31 EDT 2001 | ernman
We had a 4713C glue dispenser. We ended up going to screening the paste instead of using this machine which seemed to be very positive. We didn't have vision or cad data at the time and would have to constantly play with the x.y data. This machine is
Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 05 07:53:28 EST 2018 | wolverine55
Hello All We have a Universal Model 6287A that is estimated to be about 25 years old. It has run fine for most of it's life but recently has stopped communicating with it's host computer, whenever any commands were attempted to be sent to the machine
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