Electronics Forum | Thu May 31 10:25:19 EDT 2012 | edmaya33
J-STD-001E, states 1.56um/cm2 NaCl value.
Electronics Forum | Thu May 31 21:43:44 EDT 2012 | davef
edmaya33, you're correct about what J-STD-001E says, but recognize that the measure that you refer us to in not IC [Ion Chromatography]. It is modified ROSE [Resistivity of Solvent Extract] ... or whatever they call modified ROSE now-a-days
Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 26 17:20:15 EDT 2012 | joeherz
Hello, I need to find a wire tinning pot with temp control that will conform to J-STD-001 requirements. I'm looking at American Beauty and Plato models. The American Beauty models appear to be capable but the low prices make me wonder. Any advice
Electronics Forum | Thu May 23 18:10:54 EDT 2013 | davef
I agree with Rob. These solder connections are unacceptable. BR, davef
Electronics Forum | Thu May 23 18:40:48 EDT 2013 | rway
I also agree. Even if it did meet specs, I wouldn't let a joint like this out. Reese
Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 02 22:04:30 EST 2015 | davef
An ionic contamination tester should meet industrial cleanliness specifications including MIL-STD-2000A, MIL-P-28809, J-STD-001 and Resistivity of Solvent Extract (ROSE) Test Method IPC-TM-650 2.3.25
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 06 12:41:52 EDT 2016 | kmclain
IPC J-STD-001 does not allow solder inspection to be combined with coating inspection for classes 2 and 3.
Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 21 20:15:49 EST 2022 | arminski
since IPC-J-STD-001 RevH obsoleted the 1.56ug/cm2 UCL of ionic contamination tester in testing using ROSE test, how do you define the acceptable limit per PCB assembly? thanks
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 24 15:41:20 EDT 2024 | joeljacobo
Hi colleagues, I hope you can give me clarity on this issue, anyone who has the JSTD-001 in its revision H, for the SN100C alloy, what are the limits of impurities allowed? Thank you for your support!
Electronics Forum | Sun Apr 05 19:02:34 EDT 1998 | Graham Naisbitt
Peter, Take a look at IPC-ANSI J-STD-001A and B, J-STD-004 and I think, 005/006 which cover solder paste (?) I think. Whatever, they do reference one another. | Question: Whatparameters are used to determine "good" Solder Paste? What reference doc