12 j-std-033 vacuum bake out procedure results

Electronics Forum: j-std-033 vacuum bake out procedure (Page 1 of 2)

Vacuum Bake out of plastic BGAs

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 10 16:14:17 EST 2005 | fmonette

Hi Gary, With plastic BGAs it is more difficult to remove the trapped moisture because of ground planes in the substrate. If your parts have been sitting around for a long time they may be soaked with moisture and in some cases the 48 hours bake cy

Do you need to bake after parts are in the Dry Cabinet

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 30 16:30:55 EST 2006 | GS

Hi James, it could be the problem is due to residual of cleaner media entrapped under low gap of QFP 208 and 0,5 mm lead pitch. I remember in the past we had random problems of failure at test after board wash off process (DI Water wash). We met

Electronic Assemblies Manufactuirng - Bake-out ramp rate

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 02 05:11:29 EST 2018 | deanm

I developed our company's procedure for moisture sensitive devices based on J-STD-033 and I don't recall anything requiring a certain ramp rate. Furthermore baking at 85C will greatly extend the time to reset the clock and it is harder to maintain

Re: glop top popcorn

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 23 11:02:09 EDT 1999 | John Thorup

| | We are reflowing boards that have glop top components | mounted on them. Do glop tops have the same moisture | sensitivity as fine pitch? Should we be baking the boards | prior to reflow? | |If your glob tops are PBGAs, they are likely very mo

Baking components at 70 degree

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 17 12:57:26 EDT 2008 | sleech

You are correct. For the 70 deg. C drying temperature to be effective, the relative humidity must be as near to zero as possible. A pulling a vacuum on the chamber is an inexprensive and reliable way to accomplish this. Contrary to some claims, our e

MSL | Baking components after expired floor life

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 15 17:44:15 EDT 2022 | decaire

I agree with Evtimov that sticking with the J-Std-033 is preferable to creating your own procedure at a different temp, especially if you need to pass an audit since the auditors will compare your process to the J-Std. My understanding is that oxida

MSL/MSD Tracking

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 21 16:33:49 EDT 2008 | decaire

The 2 most common approaches for MSD Tracking and Control on the factory floor are: 1) Manual paper-based procedures (Example: Log Sheet or Label that the operator must fill out and pay attention to) - or - 2) Software-based tracking system (Example

Re: Packaging of moisture sensitive devices

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 27 17:26:03 EDT 2000 | John Thorup

Hello Christopher You should do just fine without vacuum evacuation of the bag. Just squeeze out any excess air. Just be sure that you use active desiccant (I.E. fresh or baked). This assumes normal environmentals. I suggest that you download the

Moisture Sensative Components

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 10 20:40:49 EST 2004 | Kevin McCarten

1st thing to be said; I work for a company that supplies Desiccant Dry cabinets to the electronics industry for the storage of moisture sensitive components. The answer here really lies in inventory management/control. Ultimately you want to avoid b

Re: Moisture sensitive device processing

Electronics Forum | Sun Apr 25 04:12:34 EDT 1999 | Earl Moon

| At Sanders (Military manufacturer), we have only started using plastic parts within the past few years. After being tasked with reviewing the new J-Std-033, it became obvious to me our process for controlling device exposure is weak. We build very

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