Electronics Forum: jacking (Page 1 of 20)

Tilted/Slant SMT Component Specs?

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 27 17:14:10 EST 2002 | davef

It is certainly a process indicator. What is causing this condition? Is it a chip that has its toes over the edge, edging towards tombstoning? Contact: * Jack Crawford [ JackCrawford@IPC.ORG ] * Mel Parrish [ mparrish@SOLDERINGTECH.COM ]

Duplex Surface Mounts?

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 11 18:12:33 EST 2002 | SkateMonkey

I have heard of "Cat5 duplex surface mounts". Do these exist? And if they do, do they have built in Cat5 jacks, or do you have to manually put snap-in jacks into them?

wire harness strength

Electronics Forum | Thu May 18 03:15:32 EDT 2017 | wama

We are soldering wire 26AWG to jack socket. However after went through washing, baking, coating, curing processes the wire breaks (at joining point with jack socket) during wire dressing. We have tried to increase and decrease the solder amount but r

Re: footprint formula

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 08 21:11:41 EST 2000 | Dave F

Jack: I'll think about the latter point over my next McEwan's. Dave F

Re: footprint formula

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 08 21:11:41 EST 2000 | Dave F

Jack: I'll think about the latter point over my next McEwan's. Dave F

Boards with damaged goldfingers

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 27 12:44:36 EST 2001 | Mike Lynn

Try Veeco Electrofab (714)525-6257 (Anaheim, CA) - ask for Jack Singh.

SMT optimization and improvement

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 01 23:32:26 EDT 2006 | ec

Hi Jack, Already send to you.


Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 20 23:45:51 EST 2006 | Jack

Hi all, Any comment after read this article? Best wishes, Jack


Electronics Forum | Sat Dec 23 03:46:13 EST 2006 | Jack

Hi Davef, I think you are right..Rgds, Jack..

DEK Horizon 265

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 04 15:11:40 EST 2008 | bigdaddysoy9

Try reloading the software ya jack leg.

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