Electronics Forum: jade selective solder nitrogen adjustment (Page 1 of 1)

selective soldering/nitrogen

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 14 16:55:31 EST 2011 | tombstonesmt

On our Pilarhouse Jade we use nitrogen to cool the belt that drives our solder pump as well as keep the amount of oxygen to a minimum in our solder pot to reduce dross.

Trouble selective soldering fine pitch connectors

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 06 12:37:14 EST 2012 | deanm

We are having difficulty with bridging on a 2x50 pin 0.050" fine pitch connector using our selective soldering machine. It usually bridges at the end of the row, but sometimes it bridges all the pins together as it drags across (solid bridging). I

wave solder machine

Electronics Forum | Mon May 16 18:03:30 EDT 2005 | davef

Key Issue: Will this machine solder your boards? You never know until you solder one. Any other avenues of analysis involve substantial risk. Flux Selection * High or low solids * VOC or VOC-free Solder Alloy * If using lead-free, avoid stainles

Selective Solder Machine Solder Balls

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 02 17:25:53 EDT 2012 | tombstonesmt

Just PM'd our Pillarhouse Jade Mark II this morning and found excessive solder balls all over the solder pot as well as the bottom of the machine. While removing all the dross it's very obvious that the dross is a REAL fine powder unlike any of the o

ERSA Selective Solder questions

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 25 09:57:31 EDT 2013 | jaimebc

We aquired an ERSA ECOSELECT 2 selective soldering machine. So we are going through a learning curve and I would like to hear from ERSA users on this subject. The main concern is to keep the miniwave steady, it seems that it " bounces" a lot and is

Selective wave selection

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 01 19:57:07 EST 2002 | davef

Selective soldering machines are a good way to "finish automation", if the design of the PCB is conducive to the application with just a few components to solder. Your points are good. A decision matrix for selecting a machine might also include:


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