Electronics Forum: jams (Page 1 of 14)

Feeder tape splice jams

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 12 14:47:55 EST 2000 | Chris Newell

We run Siemens SiPlace SMT equipment. One of our biggest problems is feeder tape splices jamming our feeders. We use Siemens recommended method of splicing our feeder tapes together. This has been causing upwards of 10% lost time on some of our build

Re: Feeder tape splice jams

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 13 03:40:13 EST 2000 | G. English

We have seen this problem, again using the methods recommended by Siemens. We tried different methods of splicing the tapes, but again the material was clogging in the feeders and especially in the cogs which grip and feed the tape. The only method

Re: Feeder tape splice jams

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 13 08:28:37 EST 2000 | CAL

1)having the leader tape overlap and taped square is key. 2)making sure the Butt splice of the carrier tape is cut square and come together with no gaps 3) I would put a piece of yellow splice tape on the underside of the carrier tape to help hold th

Re: Feeder tape splice jams

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 13 12:08:57 EST 2000 | Stefan Witte

Apparently the adhesive tape peels off from the joint, which could have some reasons. 1. There should be an overlap of the cover tape, as Cal mentioned. The new cover tape laying over the old by approx. 2mm. I also peel the cover tape a bit off, whi

SMT reels using paper for caps and have problems with feeder jam

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 25 14:51:49 EDT 2005 | bobpan

5v or 12v feeders.....and are you sure the parts fit through the feeders and are not getting jammed. On some of the old feeders you had to remove the springs and other parts to make the tall caps work.... chow

Tin Whiskers

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 09 11:37:29 EST 2005 | Samir Nagaheenanajar

So, I'm workin' my damn fax machine; unfortunately, it's one of the 1st generation fax machines, because in Riyadh, we get stuck with the old equipment, and then it gives a message on the LCD display: Paper Jam..so I get mad, and yell: WHY DOES IT

SMT reels using paper for caps and have problems with feeder jam

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 27 09:07:50 EDT 2005 | russ

Is anyone aware of the spec for tape if any?

SMT reels using paper for caps and have problems with feeder jam

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 27 13:22:39 EDT 2005 | russ

Thanks for the spec Greg, For us it is the stiffness.

SMT reels using paper for caps and have problems with feeder jam

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 27 14:17:49 EDT 2005 | james

I agree the stiffness is definately the problem.

Jammed Fuji CP65 Nozzles?

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 30 10:20:20 EST 2007 | mee

you need to clean the holders

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