Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 31 20:27:38 EST 2006 | jb
Check http://www.engineeringlab.com I have visited the site before, but never used it, it does have some interesting material though.
Electronics Forum | Mon May 04 18:55:21 EDT 1998 | Dave F
| Looking to buy used or new tubes, that will fit an SOIC-16 | Need these tubes ASAP. We need to bake these parts and drypack. | Please email or call if you can help. | Eric Jenkins | 801 956-0897 Eric: A source for metal IC tubes is: Perfection Pro
Electronics Forum | Mon May 04 10:50:11 EDT 1998 | Eric Jenkins
Looking to buy used or new tubes, that will fit an SOIC-16 Need these tubes ASAP. We need to bake these parts and drypack. Please email or call if you can help. Eric Jenkins 801 956-0897
Electronics Forum | Tue May 05 15:45:37 EDT 1998 | Dave F
| Looking to buy used or new tubes, that will fit an SOIC-16 | Need these tubes ASAP. We need to bake these parts and drypack. | Please email or call if you can help. | Eric Jenkins | 801 956-0897 Eric I'm not sure of the manufacturer of the parts th
Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 20 09:35:30 EDT 2007 | ck_the_flip
I know a guy who pronounces solder (SOW-DIR), and dross (DROSE). Maybe, as the other guy says, your customer is from South Boston... but here's the "dictionary definition". Main Entry: sol�der Pronunciation: 's�-d&r, 'so-, Britain also 's�l-d&
Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 06 08:43:20 EST 2006 | pjc
Yes, that's why wiper system metal material has been changed to stainless steel. There is an approved solvent list on the Speedline Tech web site. Go to: http://www.speedlinetech.com/news_publications/application-notes.aspx?OnId=5 Then go down to
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 25 10:36:50 EST 2015 | robl
As previous posters have mentioned you need to understand your product range, changeovers, number of feeders needed, critically local support, etc. I've used both and although the Europlacer feeders are nice they are also expensive. We have lot
Electronics Forum | Tue May 11 18:59:36 EDT 2021 | rgduval
It's annoying, but, the last time I was faced with a similar issue, we ended up sanding the edge on the PCB after depanelization. I stronly recommend charging for this service. It could be sped up by using a Dremel fixed in a vice, but, I would cau
Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 03 14:17:50 EST 2008 | muse95
I am not disputing that cotton gloves are a good idea. They can help protect a lot of parts and surfaces (if the gloves are kept in good clean condition, that is, but that is a whole 'nother thread topic). The fact of the matter is though, paper w
Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 24 10:33:13 EST 2006 | MikeL
I know what you mean. Saw this in systems where cooling was not done through the reflow nozzle (i.e. PACE). What happens is that as you run 1-2 profiles, the metal parts along the pathway of the hot air (before it comes out of the nozzle) act as he