Electronics Forum: jobs ersa flow operators (Page 1 of 4)

ERSA versa as alternative to wave soldering in low vol high mix

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 01 01:21:05 EDT 2005 | cmiller

PS, sorry for any confusion, ALDSMT and CMILLER are both me. ADLSMT is my user name on SMTNET and CMILLER is me, cmiller@adltech.com I usually use cmiler to reply to stuff as if anybody e-mails me it makes more sense. adltech.com is a work in progr

Which No Clean for Selective?

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 19 04:52:40 EDT 2011 | ranco13

Hi, we have ERSA flow selective machine. We are using 420s-lf No-Clean flux (lead free process). It is water based. Before that we used for about 2 years in JS-EU-31 (KOKI) (alcohol based). It did excellent job (we moved to water based flux just bec

ERSA versa as alternative to wave soldering in low vol high mix

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 29 12:52:21 EDT 2005 | pr

We have 2 dual head Versa-flows in line. We use them mainly for doublesided reflow jobs that have connectors and axial parts. I have about 15 jobs currently running on them. The advantage of having 2, is some of our boards have through hole on 1 side

Re: x-ray systems

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 05 11:43:11 EST 2000 | Dave F

Yins, In low volume applications, using X-ray for BGA mounting process control is: 1 Very expensive approach, as you've stated. 2 Requires beaucoup operator training and interpretation of results. Which is double bad, because of the intermittent n

Re: BGA Rework

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 10 13:39:56 EDT 1998 | Justin Medernach

| Our company wants to buy a rework station for BGA's. I would like to know what is a good BGA rework station. IR or hot air? Do we need a rework station with optical placement or can BGa's be placed manually during rework. We have seen a demo of an


Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 20 14:02:26 EDT 2007 | JJ

RA, First, define "medium scale budget". Aside from that, I have used many systems, listed in my order of preference: 1. SRT1100 - superior board support - very reliable 2. ERSA IR550A - unique flexability due to infrared heaters 3. Metcal APR5000 -


Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 28 13:29:22 EDT 2003 | gregp

Possibly. It sounds like attrition is a contributor to your problem. Are you recieving the material with the tapes cut from the customer (consignment) or is this something you do in the kitting process? If you are doing it, how do you maintain prop

Re: Air-Vac stuff

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 19 23:56:49 EDT 1999 | Earl Moon

| | I'm trying a second time to post this very important message, to me, concerning Air-Vac's following creation. Does any own and use this stuff successfully to remove solder from 20 layer and up MLB's with .020" diameter holes? Also, is any of the

Re: Air-Vac stuff

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 19 22:59:48 EDT 1999 | Jeff Ferry

| I'm trying a second time to post this very important message, to me, concerning Air-Vac's following creation. Does any own and use this stuff successfully to remove solder from 20 layer and up MLB's with .020" diameter holes? Also, is any of the ad

Re: Air-Vac stuff

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 20 09:33:51 EDT 1999 | Don Morgenstern

Earl & Jeff Our machine is different than the Electrovert Solder Pak in that it is does not behave like a "volcano". Jeff, please contact me if you have safety concerns as perhaps you also want to consider our equipment. | | I'm trying a second ti

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