Electronics Forum: joints fatigue (Page 1 of 7)

Thermal fatigue of solder joints

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 26 03:20:13 EDT 2000 | heccles

What would be a typical thermal test regime to verify the quality of solder joints for high specification applications - what would be the specific benefits of utilizing a "HALT" process over other traditional test techniques ?

Re: Thermal fatigue of solder joints

Electronics Forum | Sat Nov 25 03:51:04 EST 2000 | carsonho

HALT is an approach to stimulate a failure till its existence. It is mainly used during product design and development phase. Traditional tests are mainly used to prove "no" failure but HALT is to make failure for information to improve in design of

Re: Thermal fatigue of solder joints

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 26 09:10:30 EDT 2000 | ptvianc

I am not familiar with the "HALT" terminology. Do you mean HAST testing? As for thermal fatigue, the most severe conditions are typically those cited for military and/or satellite applications. There are several temperature ranges that are used to

SMD pad definition may cause solder joint cracking under extreme fatigue conditions.

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 02 09:07:28 EST 2023 | charles_nguyen

Two types of land patterns used for surface mount pads are non-solder mask defined or NSMD pads and solder mask defined or SMD pads.Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages. There is a statement that SMD pad type may introduce stress concen

SMD pad definition may cause solder joint cracking under extreme fatigue conditions.

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 06 17:58:16 EST 2023 | davef

The September 29, 2022 Express Newsletter [ https://smtnet.com/express/index.cfm?fuseaction=archives&issue=20220929 ] has papers on chip cracking

SMD pad definition may cause solder joint cracking under extreme fatigue conditions.

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 08 09:43:08 EST 2023 | charles_nguyen

Thank you for the above information but what I want to talk about is the PCB design aspect. Should there be any warning about it in the DFM?

SMD pad definition may cause solder joint cracking under extreme fatigue conditions.

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 17 19:23:05 EST 2023 | SMTA-64387083

Read the articles everyone else recommend. I haven't read of them but I will say this. A Solder Mask Defined pad is a copper flood that has much more thermal mass than a Non-Solder Mask Defined pad so it will heat and cool at a slower rate. I suspect

SMD pad definition may cause solder joint cracking under extreme fatigue conditions.

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 02 10:10:20 EST 2023 | tommy_magyar

Perhaps google this, as you will find very interesting articles. For scientific explanation look up solder fatigue on Wikipedia with references added. A more in depth explanation you can find on the Digikey forum where you will find other people like

Voiding in board to BGA joints

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 09 22:13:20 EST 2004 | Ken

What x-ray system are you using? Check out Dage. I bet you have voids...just can't image them. Why the fuss over voids? Voids terminate the crack propegation and can extend the time to failure for creep fatigue. I would not be concerned unless yo

warped boards and cracked solder joints

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 29 18:21:43 EST 2001 | slthomas

We recently have received a lot of warped (bowed and/or twisted behond IPC 600 specs.) bare boards (some our fabricator's fault, some ours by design) and I can't help but figure that long term reliability will suffer when building product with them.

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