Electronics Forum: jot dual shuttle (Page 1 of 1)

Need Assembleon/Yamaha dual shuttle LCS hook motor

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 12 16:53:56 EDT 2012 | proy

I need a lCS hook motor for an "Xii" dual shuttle LCS. If anyone has an orphan dual shuttle LCS for Xii generation machines please email if I can purchase the part. Delivery is 3-4 wks, will order if I have to, but don't want to wait that long. PR


Electronics Forum | Thu May 08 09:46:24 EDT 2008 | realchunks

Hello All, Who makes a shuttle that isn't over 4 feet long? Looking to install a new line and my current JOT shuttle is 6 feet long. I need something a little shorter, yet able to let people walk thru the line.

Maximum PCB width

Electronics Forum | Mon May 23 08:21:36 EDT 2005 | Dave G

Things that lower the maximum Board width: Nozzle changers,dual lane vs single lane, staged vs classic board handling, PTF, Comp Shuttle. Moving the changers into the feeder banks will increase your max avail width provided a shuttle or ptf are no


Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 15 12:18:56 EDT 2004 | haviland

Sue--Good morning. We deal in used and reconditioned assembly machinery and have a Cencorp TR2100 Router (Dual board holder--shuttle style system) that needs a few parts reinstalled in our warehouse in the Chicago suburbs. There are others available.

Re: Universal GSM/Response No. 2

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 02 07:26:50 EDT 1998 | smd

I didn't use my real name because I don't want to get bombed with phone calls and emails. We are an OEM looking to put in a SMT line soon. Is this GSM a decent machine? How much does it cost? | | Also and info on decent screen printers and reflo


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