Electronics Forum: jot smema pins (Page 1 of 5)


Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 12 16:17:33 EDT 2006 | nodlac

FYI Here is the SMEMA Link for the generic interface configuration. http://www.smema.org/smemastandards.htm and http://www.smema.org/smema1.2.pdf These Doc should give you the SMEMA pin outs. Cal


Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 12 17:17:04 EDT 2006 | fordf1502004

I want to thank you for your help. after further investigation into the panasonic machine one our technicians was able to fix the issue. The panasonic machine uses a 5 volt signal and normal smema uses a 24 volt signal. To make these 2 machine talk t

MPM up500 smema issue

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 07 07:53:16 EDT 2016 | ttheis

Looks like I've got to reconfigure the fmi connections. Only pins 1 & 2 populated and when I jump the fownline pins the upline ready signal is activated. I'll reference the diagram and setup the connections for smema.

ekra x5 smema question

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 01 07:38:52 EST 2005 | bobpan

The machine has 2 25 pin cables that are supplied with it and you have to have adapters that plug into them for smema or siemens. The cables are x20 and x21 smema pigtails.

MPM up500 smema issue

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 07 16:36:18 EDT 2016 | ttheis

It does look like it was setup for fuji or siemens connection. I did get the smema signals working; had to add the connections for pins 3 & 4 on both ports and move some of the existing connections according to the smema diagram. Also, I wasn't seein

JOT Loader SMEMA connection

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 07 00:13:00 EST 2004 | saiwong

I have a problem that our JOT convoyors & loader cannot connect the Fuji machine. Also, I wondered how can I get the support from JOT.

SMT Connecting Conveyors

Electronics Forum | Wed May 07 09:53:54 EDT 2008 | llaerum

We have had some trouble with our Jot conveyors and the FUJI NXT. We had to modify the JOT control circuit in order for the SMEMA protocol to work prpoerly. I am not saying that this is JOTs fault. There seemed to be an incompatibility and modifying

JOT Loader SMEMA connection

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 07 09:32:32 EST 2004 | pr


SMEMA to FUJI Interface

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 12 10:09:22 EDT 2009 | smellew

Mika, Is the Jot on the input side or output Regards Llew

JOT conveyor Service Technician, anyone know someone?

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 09 14:41:32 EDT 2005 | jdengler

I do not know JOT conveyors but I do know other manufacturers. Based on that I do not believe this alone will work: -fixed rail on wrong side probably -sensors for board control in wrong location -smema ports may be to far from where they need to co

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