Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 06 18:24:34 EDT 2003 | pjc
what type of belt is it and what material is it? round belt, flat belt, etc... if its from a PCB transport conveyor or other PCB handling system, I recommend you contact the OEM. I have spliced belts before- rubber round belt off old Fuji loader and
Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 17 09:42:18 EDT 2001 | Hussman
G'Day All, I have a couple of new Panasonic MSR's. Whenever I load a new program into the machine, I have to manually feed the first PCB onto the X/Y table to get it to run. After that, they run just fine. Panasonic is going to be in and they hav
Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 10 09:03:52 EDT 1999 | ScottM
| | hi, i m college student. i m currently doing my Final year project in PCB drilling. the main task is to design auto feeder which allign the PCB properly in position before drilling take place. the close tolerance becomes a big problem to the prec
Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 10 12:09:02 EDT 1999 | Earl Moon
| | | hi, i m college student. i m currently doing my Final year project in PCB drilling. the main task is to design auto feeder which allign the PCB properly in position before drilling take place. the close tolerance becomes a big problem to the pr
Electronics Forum | Sun Sep 12 08:20:04 EDT 1999 | se
| | | | hi, i m college student. i m currently doing my Final year project in PCB drilling. the main task is to design auto feeder which allign the PCB properly in position before drilling take place. the close tolerance becomes a big problem to the
Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 19 10:12:38 EST 1998 | Brian Conner
| For some as yet unkown reason, we have started to have some boards sag and go under the wave. The boards are surface mount top side and conventional components wave soldered. We have checked the wave hight and both the profiles on the wave solder a
Electronics Forum | Sat Oct 13 16:42:35 EDT 2001 | kenbliss
I agree with EMC based on what you described, and they build good pallets along with a few others, a small word of caution is that pallets are bit expensive typically several hundred dollars or more each. So if you find that is the road you go, be s
Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 01 18:57:32 EST 2002 | slthomas
I guess I just don't see how it would benefit us any. We rarely remove a board from the conveyor unless it's coming out of an oven. And why would you put bare boards on a tray? Why not into a destacker that feeds your line, so only the edges of a
Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 30 17:20:40 EST 1998 | Marc P.
| Does anyone have angles on how to reduce N2 consumption at reflow process (i.e. process control equipment, etc.)? | | Any help would be appreciated | There are a number of ways to reduce consumption: 1)One way to look at consumption is to view i
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 10 13:12:10 EDT 2000 | Bob Willis
You may care to review the following from my Circuits Assembly page on line. "HOW FLAT IS FLAT AND DO WE NEED FLAT CIRCUIT BOARD, YES WE DO ? As production problems go there is one that keeps reoccurring time and time again. The blame is usually di
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