Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 13 05:58:05 EST 2018 | ccarterr
Hello, I have re4ecently been tasked with maintaining/repairing several Juki 750-760 SMT machines. Are there any online resources or training available that would help me in my endeavors?
Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 24 16:35:16 EST 2017 | siltron
Hi everyone, We bought a used Juki KE a few months ago. Installed it at the beginning of this year, but have some problems with the Z and ROT servos. As soon as the machine is powered on, the ALM04 red led turns on on some of the Z and ROT drivers.
Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 05 14:54:43 EST 2006 | John S.
Cannot speak to the 760, but we've been running 3 750's for seven years now. Never needed to call a service technician in. Juki is our benchmark for customer service. We run approximately 20 hrs per day 5 days a week. John S.
Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 05 14:00:40 EST 2006 | Steve
We are currently runing a JUKI 750 and 760 as well as a 2060. I can't say enough good things about the quality of the machines and service from JUKI. I've had zero downtime in the last 2 years due to mechanical breakdown and our machines run 18 hours
Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 30 15:44:51 EDT 2019 | valentink
I will try outline Theta and Z-axis servo issues, we were facing last time. Story behind. Our 750 is used seldom and last time after switching it on initialization procedure ends with T axis of right head: Servo alarm. Opening front cover of 750 two
Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 25 08:23:47 EST 2015 | tercel
Does anyone know how to use the Juki 740 / 750 / 760 in Bypass mode, if the Machine has no parts to place? We use 3 Jukis and for some PCBs it is not neccessary to use all 3 of them. so it would be usefull to use the machine in bypass mode. Is it pos
Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 27 04:24:43 EST 2015 | leeg
Hi Tercel, if you goto Maintenance on the main screen and select Idle this will enable boards to pass through.
Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 03 15:43:24 EDT 2018 | gpascolla
We have a Juki FM-740 that we just received that will boot up fine when it wants to origin the servo drive does not engage. Nothing lights up but I do have power to all 3 units (X, YL and YR).
Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 04 00:49:42 EDT 2018 | gaintstar
you need the new working one, maybe you can check here and find what you need: http://www.flason-smt.com/search/index.html?name=juki