Electronics Forum: juki 750e (Page 1 of 1)


Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 12 15:41:32 EDT 2024 | ktm250rider

Im trying to program our JUKI KE750e I have 6 components to place. The machine places the first 3 but then ends the program. Ive tried saving the program and deleting the 3 that are placed, and the machine will place the other 6. However, if i add


Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 15 18:25:23 EDT 2024 | tey422

You might have incomplete data that not completely filled. Sometime it doesn't pop out as error message when you exist to save the program. I would double checks the program again, make sure every info is fully done.


Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 15 18:29:46 EDT 2024 | ktm250rider

Surprisingly, i found my answer shortly after posting. I was just staring at the main menu and there is a setting for start step, end step and total steps. The end was set to 3. Not sure why. When i changed it to 6 all worked out. However, on o


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