Electronics Forum: juki ac servo motor (Page 1 of 2)

Jukie FM-740 AC servo drive

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 04 07:46:11 EDT 2018 | gpascolla

I do agree

Jukie FM-740 AC servo drive

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 03 15:43:24 EDT 2018 | gpascolla

We have a Juki FM-740 that we just received that will boot up fine when it wants to origin the servo drive does not engage. Nothing lights up but I do have power to all 3 units (X, YL and YR).

Jukie FM-740 AC servo drive

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 04 00:49:42 EDT 2018 | gaintstar

you need the new working one, maybe you can check here and find what you need: http://www.flason-smt.com/search/index.html?name=juki

IP2 placing parts shifted after servo fixed?

Electronics Forum | Mon May 04 14:24:12 EDT 2009 | jimmyboz

Ok, So, If all the servo amps on H1 remained on H1 and the amp you changed is on H2, I have to guess the shifting on H1 is unrelated to the servo prob. Is the shifting unsolderable? if it just looks bad but will reflow, it may have been occurring f

Samsung CP45 Swing Mirror motor replacement

Electronics Forum | Mon May 16 00:33:18 EDT 2016 | wesleyintelli

Our CP45 swing mirror motor (Panasonic AC Servo Motor: MSMA012A3A) recently jammed and required replacement. I replaced the motor with a new one however it won't home. A link to a video of the motor attempting to home can be seen below. I am wonderin

Zevatech Z Axis fault

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 23 08:08:38 EDT 2009 | ptxems

We have a couple of Zeva/Juki PM570L's. One machine has developed a fault with the z axis motor. It is continually 'buzzing', we have checked and there is 24VAC on it. Although even on the other machine there is AC voltage on the motor. We have sw

What is the difference between Linear Drive or Rack and pinion

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 04 09:32:23 EDT 2007 | dilbert

Linear drive uses linear motors that have no moving parts, strictly a coil over magnets. "Rack and Pinion" as you call it uses AC servo motors that are driving belts and pullies The linear motor has no moving parts and is faster but generates a lot

Need Philips CSM84 PA1306/20 service manual

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 18 13:10:16 EST 2008 | andersenequipmentllc

I need a service manual for a Philips CSM84 type > PA1306/20. I have the PA1306/40 manual, if that > is any use to anyone. The 1306/20 was the last > model with analog servo amps and DC brush motors, > the 1306/40 was the first with AC brushless

Need Philips CSM84 PA1306/20 service manual

Electronics Forum | Tue May 08 13:02:39 EDT 2007 | jmelson

I need a service manual for a Philips CSM84 type PA1306/20. I have the PA1306/40 manual, if that is any use to anyone. The 1306/20 was the last model with analog servo amps and DC brush motors, the 1306/40 was the first with AC brushless motors and d

Philips CSM66 wanted

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 08 18:30:53 EDT 2007 | jmelson

I have the entire computer box assembly from a 1306/40 series machine. This was one of the first with the AC servo motors and digital drives. It was taken from a working CSM66 at the same time as I bought a CSM84. It was included to be used as spa

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