Electronics Forum | Tue May 05 15:12:29 EDT 2020 | electronicsprecis1
I have a Juki 740 that was working great until one day a motor cable broke and after this messege the emergency stop button has been pressed..." error popped up when I turned the machine on. I know the emergency stop works all the way. Does anyone ha
Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 05 18:17:31 EDT 2013 | starlogixs
No the actual Juki software for the machine. Need to calibrate the machine after a motor replacement. Regards Mark
Electronics Forum | Sat Mar 04 11:07:21 EST 2006 | charls
hi pavel, If you are getting vibrate during fast mode, encoder or motor cable might be faulty. yes i faced the same problem in Juki KE2010 m/c. Try by replacing encoder & motor cable from Motor to driver unit. All the best
Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 10 22:13:01 EDT 2021 | roycet4
I would start by replacing the Z axis motor for head #4, you previously mentioned there was also a theta axis issue with head #4, you might be best served to replace both motors. These motors do go bad from time to time, We have 28 Juki machines wher
Electronics Forum | Sun Aug 04 19:42:50 EDT 2013 | starlogixs
Thanks for the reply Sarason. The software looks interesting, as we are a small manufacturer. However I do need the original Juki software for a calibration file. The X axis motor has been replaced but the calibration file is missing to teach and ca
Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 05 11:51:30 EDT 2022 | jojoled
Can anybody help with Re-calibrating the Z-axis height in MS parameter , on JUKI KE760L? In MS parameter manual, there is information that these accessories are needed to recalibrate the Z-axis , can anybody tell where to get them, or ideally how to
Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 23 08:08:38 EDT 2009 | ptxems
We have a couple of Zeva/Juki PM570L's. One machine has developed a fault with the z axis motor. It is continually 'buzzing', we have checked and there is 24VAC on it. Although even on the other machine there is AC voltage on the motor. We have sw
Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 08 11:06:11 EDT 2006 | fabio
the video and the servo motors don't start... i need a wiring diagram to make the measures... please help!!
Electronics Forum | Sun Sep 01 22:02:58 EDT 2019 | sarason
Have you got a circuit diagram for your driver board? If not measure your driver into a resistive load and look for differences in current flow voltage drops under load dried out caps. Dead current measuring circuits etc. If you see an IC, look it up
Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 28 12:24:57 EDT 2018 | reckless
https://www.ebay.com/itm/Juki-KE-760-SMT-PICK-AND-PLACE-MACHINE/282894334640?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2060353.m2749.l2649 Not sure if a Juki 760 is worth $7300 shipped with feeders, MTC, etc. I saw a video of it running and it looked