Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 08 15:23:15 EST 2024 | tommy_magyar
They have a software called JaNets to do that. I only briefly worked for a couple of months with Juki, but JaNets did what you are asking for. Most likely you will need licence from Juki for that. Regards, Tom
Electronics Forum | Sun Feb 12 06:29:43 EST 2023 | kirill
Hello Pratyeka its two machines, Juki RS-1R
Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 28 11:14:40 EST 2023 | dontfeedphils
Juki should have a system like that. Pretty sure it's a part of the IS suite of software, but it's been 6+ years since I've dealt with Juki.
Electronics Forum | Sun Mar 05 14:24:30 EST 2023 | dontfeedphils
Interesting. Forgive me if this is a stupid question, but isn't that the answer to your question? You have the program to do what you want, it just doesn't work? Have you contacted Juki to work through the issue? Seems like an easy fix.
Electronics Forum | Sun Mar 05 14:35:26 EST 2023 | kirill
I wrote today an email to juki at germany, hope they'll be able to guide me trough. Chinese guys arent much of a help at all....
Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 07 08:14:50 EST 2023 | kirill
No answer so far, I just hope they are silent because they have alots of emails, and not because its not doable with juki system like on siemens...
Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 24 21:16:26 EST 2023 | sarason
PCBSynergy supports the Juki RS-1R, it can be found here https://pcbsynergy.com sarason
Electronics Forum | Sun Mar 05 12:53:08 EST 2023 | dontfeedphils
I actually still have all my docs and software from that time. Just dug through some manuals and found one for "IS - Intelli PD" (program download). Couldn't tell you if this is still what it's called, but this is what we used to send pro
Electronics Forum | Sun Jun 30 04:25:57 EDT 2024 | sarason
There is a Chinese software product called "Programming" from Ealead. https://ealead-e.ucoz.com/index/eps/0-10 The Ealead software makes spliting your product over a multi-machine line, even if they are not from the same manufacturer easy! My soft
Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 28 08:14:58 EST 2023 | kirill
I used to work on Siemens ASM machines, with server that had a program called Siplace Pro, which was connected to lines, and from line computer they could load the program to the machines in the line, and I could do updates "online" if needed, before