Electronics Forum: juki juki 2000 series tray feeder (Page 1 of 7)

juki comments

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 04 14:44:27 EST 2006 | kmeline

Just want to hear what comments might be said about newer 2000 series Juki Placement equipment? Good, Bad, indifferent!

Reel Scan brand with Juki 2000 series machines

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 18 14:08:02 EST 2005 | ceo


Reel Scan brand with Juki 2000 series machines

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 17 15:03:23 EST 2005 | debh

Has anyone ever tried to use "Reel Scan" (brand) barcoding with Juki machines. We currently have 730-2020 and 2050-2060 lines set up. Was wondering how the compatibility is. (I think I already know the 730 is out...) I'll be asking the vendor also, b

Juki 2000 Series Machines

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 26 05:53:38 EDT 2001 | greggy

Hi, I would like to get some feedbacks about the Juki 2000 Series regarding performance, downtime, accuracy on fine pitch components and 0201's and 0402 chips, repeatability, and reliability. thanks and regards,

Juki 2000 Series Machines

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 26 22:15:57 EDT 2001 | davef

Every time you see one of those �National Geographic� articles showing pictures of clothing sweatshops in developing countries, the girls are sitting at gray Juki sewing machines. Juki placement machines were branded and distributed in the Americas

JUKI KE700 series - system configuration options

Electronics Forum | Fri May 06 06:54:56 EDT 2022 | jojoled

I have JUKI KE760L, and did notice that, when In "Feeder data " I select feeder position say 20, it enters XYZ coordinates for "pick coordinates" for example X=-260, Y=-25, Z=-1, which I need to "correct always by camera (it is slightly shifted).....

Calibration JIGs for JUKI KE2000 series (KE2050/2055/2060)

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 17 16:14:59 EST 2020 | aurash

Anyone out there willing to rent me calibration jigs to calibrate the machine offsets for one week? (location is Ireland) Thanks, Aurelian

Juki Feeder Trolley with feeder bank

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 18 15:04:32 EDT 2015 | empac

We have Juki 2000 series feeder carts. Let us know if you have any interest. Thanks.

Re: feeder extension

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 29 17:10:25 EST 2000 | Jon Wentz

Hi Dave, What feeder model do you have? I took a quick look in my parts list manual and again, depending on your feeder model, you might be able to buy the needed part(s) from Zevatech/Juki. Have you checked with them yet? For example, the main feed

JUKI KE2060L - implementing new 44mm feeder

Electronics Forum | Fri May 16 07:04:26 EDT 2014 | maciejbilu

Hello, We had just bought new 44mm one for wide ZIF connectors etc. The problem is that JUKI don't even thin about picking something from it. 44mm option is available in component packaging style window. Tray feeder is choose for "44mm emboss 12mm (

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