Electronics Forum: juki juki 730/740 carry pcb (Page 1 of 1)

No such thing as a Compact Reflow Oven?

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 19 09:37:01 EDT 2018 | spoiltforchoice

Another critical part of a process with a large board is support. Most commonly this is a bed of pins e.g something like red-e-set but there are other solutions. Support with a large panel will be critical for printing to get a good gasket between PC

Dual lane vs. single lane feeders for high mix

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 14 04:02:40 EST 2017 | spoiltforchoice

"I would expect that any intelligent feeder > enabled machine would pull the correct part no > matter where it is placed on the machine (not > forced by the program)" > > this is true, but you > have to tradeoff the setup time vs production > t


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