Electronics Forum: juki juki smt feeder calibration jigs (Page 1 of 8)

Zevatech PM575 jigs

Electronics Forum | Sun Feb 05 08:02:57 EST 2017 | menvox

Hi, I need calibration jigs for Zevatech PM575 (JUKI KP620). If you have available to sell, please advise. Thx

Fuji CP feeder calibration

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 20 22:54:28 EST 2006 | fastek

I think that in this day and age.....if you are not testing the feeder via some sort of indexing proceedure while the feeder is off of the machine.....you are simply not going to be certain the feeder is working properly. The Alternative SMT jig do

Fuji CP feeder calibration

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 20 07:04:13 EST 2006 | cyber_wolf

Is there anyone out there using the Alternative SMT jig ? http://www.alternativesmt.com/productdetail.asp?p_id=2

Juki 740 head calibration jig?

Electronics Forum | Sat Jun 09 04:11:43 EDT 2018 | jandon

It is Juki CAL PIECE A E3622721000 calibration jig. It is also necessary to have 508 nozzle in ATC.

Juki 740 head calibration jig?

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 07 18:59:41 EDT 2018 | smonk

Hello, I have a Juki KE 740 pick and place machine which i purchased used about 1 year ago. I am trying to run the self calibration feature which measures the offset of the placement heads to the camera on the group head. According to the manual som

Juki 740 head calibration jig?

Electronics Forum | Sun Jun 17 23:04:16 EDT 2018 | jandon

Nice! Place it in jig holder larger holes upward and start calibration. This calibration block is only for the laser heads. Calibration block E5190729000(white dot in the middle of the block) is also for the camera.

Juki 740 head calibration jig?

Electronics Forum | Sun Jun 17 22:51:17 EDT 2018 | smonk

excellent, thank you. I have one coming in the mail now so we will see if this helps with my problem.

Juki feeder spare parts

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 22 11:30:28 EDT 2018 | robl

Hi, we use QY-SMT for our Juki & Yamaha feeders and spares. Great service. Eric Wu sales@qy-smt.com Used them for 6 years.

Juki feeder rise error

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 21 08:44:00 EST 2013 | emeto

Hi, as far as I remember Juki machines have sendor to check if there is a feeder high. So you have several thingd to check here: 1. Check if there is a feeder high 2. check the sensor calibration. I think it is a beam from one side that goes streig

Juki feeder spare parts

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 31 04:27:19 EDT 2018 | chinafeeder

Hello SMTnet goers. > > I have been tasked with > repairing and maintaining the company's feeders. > I've done as much as I can with the spares we had > in stock but I'm now looking at ordering some > spares. We have a few suppliers that we hav

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juki juki smt feeder calibration jigs searches for Companies, Equipment, Machines, Suppliers & Information

KingFei SMT Tech
KingFei SMT Tech

Main Products: 1. Original new and Original Used SMT/AI Spare Parts. 2. SMT Equipments And Related Machine( SMT Calibration, SMT Feeder Carts,Conveyer etc.) 3. Maintenace and Repair Service Pre-Sales Service Provide details ab

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