Electronics Forum: juki jx-100 (Page 1 of 1)

Juki JX100 with an error message

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 15 15:54:35 EDT 2021 | ephan

When I turn on the machine it would get stuck on this message.

Juki JX100 with an error message

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 12 19:32:41 EST 2021 | ephan

The machine was working fine but one day it showed up with the message "fail to start up mc system" then reboot. Does anyone know how to fix this?

Juki JX100 with an error message

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 15 05:53:06 EDT 2021 | cosimaliu

hi i am cosima,we have engineer to support can you take a running video showing the problem we may give you some advice to slove this problem.

Juki JX100 with an error message

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 16 03:20:39 EDT 2021 | cosimaliu

please try to Replace the image card of IP-X5 and confirm whether the problem is solved. cosima@qy-smt.com

JUKI Pick & Place machine Programming

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 15 10:26:12 EDT 2018 | ks0707

Hello everybody, I’d like to hear your advice regarding the programming for multiple Pick & Place machines. My company is a Contract manufacturer located in SF Bay area and has 4 SMT lines with 11 Pick & Place machines. The good thing is that all o

Researching placement machines - where do I start?!

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 29 07:56:45 EDT 2009 | jeffreyj

Thanks for the reply, Sr.Tech. Sure, I'm considering all of the things you've mentioned. It certainly seems that service and spare parts are easy to obtain for the Quads, which is the main reason I am even considering the dinosaurs (that and they ca

Researching placement machines - where do I start?!

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 29 08:19:57 EDT 2009 | cyber_wolf

Hmmm...The Juki machines are designed for high mix frequent change over. They are very flexible. I am not familiar with a JX100. We have KE2000 series machines. One of my buddies owns a small contract business. He has an older Quad. I believe it i


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