Electronics Forum: juki ke-2080l (Page 1 of 1)

Juki 2080 CMOS Battery

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 21 13:12:27 EDT 2023 | ronh22

We have a Juki KE-2080L that is going through CMOS batteries. We just installed our 2nd one in a couple of months. Other than maybe I have a bad battery any ideas why they would die so fast?

Juki 2080 CMOS Battery

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 24 04:53:29 EST 2025 | helgaella99

Rapid CMOS battery depletion in your Juki KE-2080L could stem from excessive power draw, faulty connections, or a malfunctioning Sprunked battery holder. Consider checking these components to identify the issue.


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