Electronics Forum: juki ke1080 (Page 1 of 1)

Mycronic vs. Juki: Your Opinions?

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 21 07:18:40 EDT 2023 | spoiltforchoice

I had quotes for a MY100 -14 a Juki KE-1080 and an iPulse M6ez back in 2011 and at that point all those machines were about the same price with a light feeder package. The MyData however was the only one configured with smart feeders, a tray feeder a

I need suggestions on which low-medium volume pick and place capable of running 0201 / 01005 components I should buy.

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 13 07:00:59 EST 2013 | spoiltforchoice

Low-Medium volume and Low Budget are difficult for others to quantify. I'm not familiar with GEM's but if the AX-201 suggested above can use your existing feeders its obviously got a leg up on the competition. Otherwise, to some extent your choice mi


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