Electronics Forum: juki ke2080l place tracking (Page 1 of 1)

Feeder Calibration

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 09 13:07:35 EDT 2012 | ericrr

Yes I wondered that myself for the Juki pick & place machine, then I noticed the default value when doing the "pick tracking" is 5 so I am left thinking why not use that value. So when you introduce a new reel the value comes up "5, feeder position"

Juki feeder rise error

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 21 07:01:02 EST 2013 | ericrr

I can not believe this, We get back from Summer holidays turn on the first machine Juki KE750L goes to do a home and before the head moves, Error notice: rear feeder rise error, I go around the back, nothing out of place. but notice the receiver end


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