Electronics Forum: juki ke740 laser alignment (Page 1 of 2)

Fiducial alignment on Juki

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 18 14:38:58 EST 2014 | rangarajd

Hello, I don't have any experience with Juki. Visited one of their booth recently and I was told they use a laser for alignment. How does this work? Is there any advantage over the traditional vision alignment? Thanks!

Fiducial alignment on Juki

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 19 12:43:01 EST 2014 | emeto

I had some of these before and they do a decent job. Laser alignment is ok for passive components. Compared to vision systems it has mainly disadvantages. If you have bended lead on IC for example, it wouldn;t catch it and it will place the part. I w

Fiducial alignment on Juki

Electronics Forum | Sun Dec 21 23:30:09 EST 2014 | sarason

Since the Laser alignment bit is attached to the head and you don't have to move the part to a camera location, before placing the component on the board it is about the fastest method there is of getting accurate component alignment. With more moder

Need opinion about KE740 and KE760 !

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 03 03:01:35 EST 2006 | Frank

The 740 and 760 basically have the same specs as far as component ranges: 0402-50mm components. The 760 is a bit more accurate and the vision system is better. The 740 was designed when BGA weren't really around and so it can barely vision center b

Juki Laser Alignment

Electronics Forum | Tue May 14 02:01:56 EDT 2013 | leeg

We are having numerous issues placing BGA and IC's on a Juki 750 using laser, the machine has been recently calibrated but we are getting twist and misplacement quite often, any ideas?

Juki Laser Alignment

Electronics Forum | Wed May 15 08:25:38 EDT 2013 | emeto

Absolutely! I would say go even 0.5 to be safe.

Juki Laser Alignment

Electronics Forum | Tue May 14 14:15:41 EDT 2013 | leeg

Thanks Evtimov. We have a 750 with no camera so unfortunately have to use laser. Also is there ever a need to manually alter the laser height for a component ?

Juki Laser Alignment

Electronics Forum | Wed May 15 05:31:53 EDT 2013 | jlawson

Also make sure nozzle retraction is ok, if nozzle shafts stick at different heights can effect laser centering stability.

Juki Laser Alignment

Electronics Forum | Tue May 14 16:23:12 EDT 2013 | emeto

Hi again, yes you have to pick the laser level sometimes. The machine will put some default level based on the component dimensions, which sometimes will be wrong for your part. Unfortunately it has been awhile since I worked with Juki so I can't te

Juki Laser Alignment

Electronics Forum | Tue May 14 16:59:24 EDT 2013 | leeg

Cheers again. So if the bga is 1mm thick and with the balls 1.3 mm thick I should set the component height at 0.9 to be sure of cotrectly centering on the body ?

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