Electronics Forum: juki pm560/pm570/fm740 laser repair (Page 1 of 1)

Scratches in Juki laser

Electronics Forum | Fri May 05 02:22:39 EDT 2017 | beckysu

Our company supply repair service for JUKI lasers, sorry for disturb you, may you need it in the future. Have a nice day. Best Regards, Becky Su becky(at)hysmt(dot)cn

Mycronic vs. Juki: Your Opinions?

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 24 16:45:03 EDT 2023 | tey422

I believe I was working with the early MY12 model too. Yes, the X-wagon blue ribbon cable were showing wear and tear very fast. Another frequent break downs were the center-jaw, ribbon broke. Most of the Mydata repairs can be done inhouse with spar

cyber optics 6604098

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 09 03:42:50 EST 2015 | robl

Hi, we use Eric from QY in China for repairing our Yamaha/Assembleon and Juki Lasers. We must have sent 15-20 in the last 2 years and they do a good job. Contact details: sales@qy-smt.com Hope that helps, Rob.


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