Electronics Forum: juki red (Page 1 of 1)

Digi-reels from Digikey? Likes? Dislikes?

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 21 15:06:53 EDT 2011 | babe7362000

Has anyone had experience with Digi-reels from Digikey? What are your likes and Dislikes? Do they work well with Juki Feeders? We have tried the ones that came in with red tape and they seem to get stuck in the feeders. Anyone else have this issu

Juki 2060 internal conveyor stopped working

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 23 19:08:20 EST 2022 | leeg

You should be able to check the sensor, most had have the red light to indicate that a PCB is being detected. Depending on the version of software it should tell you within the manual control option too

Juki / Zevatech 740 service manual

Electronics Forum | Sat Jun 11 03:27:30 EDT 2016 | muzzy

Hello. We have a problem with our Juki 740 machine. It does not start at all, both monitors are blank. The only error we can see is "FAIL" LED on CPU board and red "LD2" LED on "AC SERVO BOARD". Does anyone know what the "LD2" LED means? Or, even be

Juki feeder rise error

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 21 07:01:02 EST 2013 | ericrr

I can not believe this, We get back from Summer holidays turn on the first machine Juki KE750L goes to do a home and before the head moves, Error notice: rear feeder rise error, I go around the back, nothing out of place. but notice the receiver end

Problem with Juki KE750 servo

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 24 16:35:16 EST 2017 | siltron

Hi everyone, We bought a used Juki KE a few months ago. Installed it at the beginning of this year, but have some problems with the Z and ROT servos. As soon as the machine is powered on, the ALM04 red led turns on on some of the Z and ROT drivers.

zevatech 730 help

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 02 05:07:51 EST 2006 | pavel

We have bought an old zevatech 730 in Bosch auction (hello MikeZIG). There seems to be something wrong with the X axis servo, the machine is vibrating when the head is moving fast (in fact the machine is dancing, in the race with washing machine it w

Help With Faulty Juki KE-730

Electronics Forum | Sat Aug 26 03:18:15 EDT 2017 | ausplex

Mid-production our KE-730 halted and gave us a “SUB CPU1:BUS ERROR” message on the video monitor. Then we got on the same monitor a detailed error message with address and byte information (unfortunately I didn’t copy the details). Now when we boot

SMT Placement Machine Advice

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 10 21:21:54 EST 2011 | thatguy

I have 7yrs experience with JUKI's and I liked 2000 series(2050,2060) dont get caught up in the 730 or 760 these machines are obsolete or at least on there way and spare parts are hard to come buy. The 2060 is the chip shooter. I like the user friend

No such thing as a Compact Reflow Oven?

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 19 09:37:01 EDT 2018 | spoiltforchoice

Another critical part of a process with a large board is support. Most commonly this is a bed of pins e.g something like red-e-set but there are other solutions. Support with a large panel will be critical for printing to get a good gasket between PC


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