Electronics Forum: juki smt feeder nf32fs (Page 1 of 5)

Juki feeder spare parts

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 22 11:30:28 EDT 2018 | robl

Hi, we use QY-SMT for our Juki & Yamaha feeders and spares. Great service. Eric Wu sales@qy-smt.com Used them for 6 years.

Juki feeder spare parts

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 31 04:27:19 EDT 2018 | chinafeeder

Hello SMTnet goers. > > I have been tasked with > repairing and maintaining the company's feeders. > I've done as much as I can with the spares we had > in stock but I'm now looking at ordering some > spares. We have a few suppliers that we hav

Juki feeder spare parts

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 22 11:16:14 EDT 2018 | k_moore

Hello SMTnet goers. I have been tasked with repairing and maintaining the company's feeders. I've done as much as I can with the spares we had in stock but I'm now looking at ordering some spares. We have a few suppliers that we have accounts with

Juki Feeder Trolley with feeder bank

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 28 03:13:16 EST 2014 | smtspareparts

Craig,we just make juki cf/af/ff feeders,but hasn't encountered such problems,perhaps I did not very understand the intention,normally install reels on proper feeders,and install feeders on proper position of feeder trolley,but you want realize more

JUKI FM760L smt placer - How to delete unused components

Electronics Forum | Mon May 30 11:46:51 EDT 2022 | jojoled

You were right, that helped.....So If I enter all the data in "Compopnent dat" or Feeder data".....You can not delete any of that. If you want to delete anything unused, You have to be in Component data, then go to sub-menu : List Components, and del

JUKI FM760L smt placer - How to delete unused components

Electronics Forum | Fri May 20 06:34:09 EDT 2022 | jojoled

Hi, I have JUKI KE/FM760L SMT placer, and have strange behaviour in software : I am unable to delete unused components/FEEDERS. 1.I go to placement data, I create 2 records say 0805 and 0603. 2. Then I go to Component Data and I see 2 compoennts are

Flason SMT Products

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 04 00:03:28 EDT 2018 | gaintstar

flason smt pick and place machine: http://www.flason-smt.com/product/Hanwha-IC-placer-SM321-High-Speed-SMT-Modular-Chip-Mounter.html http://www.flason-smt.com/product/Hanwha-Pick-and-Place-Machine-DECAN-F2-High-Speed-SMT-Modular-Chip-Mounter.html htt

New SMT Placement Machine - Hanwa,Juki,or Mycronics?

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 01 13:14:49 EDT 2022 | emeto

I had Juki and Mycronic through the years in IL. Both had descent support and service. They are similar platforms by idea. Juki had smaller footprint and it was a very quiet machine. Mycronis is unbeaten in flexibility and changeover - great concepts

SMT placement machines. Where are we going ?

Electronics Forum | Tue May 26 07:07:50 EDT 2009 | cyber_wolf

Grant, The Fuji's looked good. However, the pricing and warranty is not competitive for their comparable machine. In addition, we are not a big fan of Fuji coming out with new feeder designs that are not backwards compatible. The first generation of

Question for everyone regarding part placement on the SMT line (feeder position)

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 28 16:47:31 EST 2020 | jede

We are running a Juki SMT line (3RAL and 2080E). I am not sure there is an option for a component verifier. My thought is a barcode/scanner set up and I am in the process of working on this but waiting on Juki response on a file question. We do use

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juki smt feeder nf32fs searches for Companies, Equipment, Machines, Suppliers & Information

KingFei SMT Tech
KingFei SMT Tech

Main Products: 1. Original new and Original Used SMT/AI Spare Parts. 2. SMT Equipments And Related Machine( SMT Calibration, SMT Feeder Carts,Conveyer etc.) 3. Maintenace and Repair Service Pre-Sales Service Provide details ab

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