Electronics Forum: juki smt nozzles <p>juki smt nozzles (Page 1 of 32)

SAMSUNG nozzles

Electronics Forum | Wed May 25 18:27:06 EDT 2005 | russ

So what is happening to these nozzles? Are they sliding off of the compliance assy?, getting dinged? Have you contacted dynatech SMT about this yet?

juki smt machine 2060 error E611030

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 11 14:26:15 EST 2022 | crystalw4280

Error about 'nozzles cannot be returned' why is this happening in middle of a run...? What can we do to resolve this

juki smt machine 2060 error E611030

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 11 21:37:35 EST 2022 | daveyk

I've seen this error multiple times. Possible that there is a part still attached to the nozzle or the machine thinks that there is and sometimes it doesn't display the window with the commands to trash the part.

juki smt machine 2060 error E611030

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 11 21:38:50 EST 2022 | daveyk

Also, think about when the last time someone removed a nozzle and possibly didn't put it away in the proper location.

juki smt machine 2060 error E611030

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 14 03:48:18 EST 2022 | frankchan

Maybe also check the air pressure, the lack of air pressure could also sometimes make the head lose grip on the nozzles

Mltitroniks SMT nozzles

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 19 12:47:16 EDT 2012 | timeproducts

Looking for nozzles for a multitronics LVX

smt connector

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 22 10:56:41 EST 2002 | jax

Why are you unable to place this part with your Machine. Part to big? No pick up point( nozzle landing area )? No Feeder? Vision recognition? If we know why you can't place it, we might have a fix.

smt rework

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 09 13:43:48 EST 2006 | RJ K.

Can anyone tell me an approximate cost of the PDR 410 and/or ERSA IR rework station? Is the main advantage of using these systems over a hot air machine in that nozzles are not needed?

smt connector

Electronics Forum | Sun Mar 24 16:53:44 EST 2002 | mikestringer

We place a similar square pin style of connector on one of our products. The connector is a 22mm high HW series from Samtek. We have a Yamaha YVL88 MK1 and YV88XS set up to handle them (Yes they are rebadged as Philips machines in some markets). No

smt rework

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 10 09:21:20 EST 2006 | Steve

I had a PDR Lightmaster Pro at the last place I worked at, and I thought it was the best rework station I've ever used. Not only because of the fact that no nozzles were needed, but the heat delivery from the focused IR light was superb. I don't know

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