Electronics Forum: jwide jw-3040 manual smt stencil printer (Page 1 of 5)

Help with odd smt stencil

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 03 11:55:42 EST 2014 | spoiltforchoice

I think there are several answers: 1)Design Fail - slap whoever created it 2)Fit that connector as a manual process after the PCB is finished. 3)Print side 2 using a jet printer 4) Shield the fragile LGA and reflow it twice anyway. 5)Use a thicker PC

Re: screen printer and stencil printer

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 18 21:10:23 EDT 1999 | se

| | | Hi, | | | I'd like to ask some tips about the merits and shortcomings o | | | of both screen printer and stencil printer. For small quantity and highly mixed usage, which type of printer is suitable to our | | | application? | | | The board

Auto stencil printer or AOI

Electronics Forum | Fri May 11 15:12:00 EDT 2012 | bwjm

Hi Guys, I need some help. I was running prototyping volume previous and my SMT line uses manual printing. Business has picked up and i started to get higher volume 300 to 500 pcs each model. I am running a small firm and have only a small sum of cas

choosing a type semi-automatic stencil printer

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 22 00:14:08 EDT 2004 | snehal acharya

we are in Process controls field we have set up our own SMT line , we have MYDATA TP9-2U Pick & Place M/C & reflow oven & manual printer. since now our product demand is increasing so for enhancement of the quality & for speedy production i wanted to

Nub bying p&p, stencil printer and reflow.

Electronics Forum | Sat Apr 16 09:23:43 EDT 2011 | jebs

Thank you for good answers. The Evest EM-780L machine that I linked to further up has a IPC-9850 at 25000 so if I get half I might be able to get the work done. How many people do you have working on the SMT line? Do you have all you're machines in

smt prototype station

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 17 15:04:27 EST 2004 | russ

SMT assembly, First, you must utilize paste otherwise the parts will not stay put. Do you have any leaded devices such as QFPs or SOICs? Dispensing paste by hand is very difficult and time consuming for these types of parts. You can either dispense

Apply glue with a stainless stell stencil

Electronics Forum | Sat Feb 12 10:33:31 EST 2000 | Francois Racine

First I'm a french people so excuse my bad english writing. I have a complete smt production line. First a screen printer DEK 240, a chip shooter PANASERT MVIIV, a multifonction machine MULTITRONIKS EP6000, a reflow oven at the end of the SMT line a

Re: Need to spec in smt prototype equipment

Electronics Forum | Mon May 18 10:54:46 EDT 1998 | Jerry

If it's really low volume I would only invest in a stencil printer and convection reflow oven to start with. If you want to go really low budget get a manual unit such at one from Transition Automation. Make up some really good shop aids and have s

J-Wide JW-3040 Manual Printer

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 14 19:09:41 EDT 2014 | takram

I purchased the JW-3040 manual printer after seeing this company here. They were advertising the JW-3040 as new but their website said they specialize in used products. I specifically asked and was assured that the printer is new and comes with a squ

i want to know what i need to made a manufacturing line for smt

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 12 22:02:20 EDT 2007 | Narksh

i i'm new in this of smt, i know how to solder a circuit manually but i need to know all the process and all the needs to made a smt impressed circuit what else i need to made a manufacturing line apart than: stencil printer, pick and place sistem a

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