Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 01 11:29:02 EDT 2017 | fkn
FKN Systek makes Depanelizers that work on aluminum boards. Please call me at 508 376 2500 or send email to discuss. We usually get a customer sample just to make sure. We have been selling the K3000 and K4000 Depanelizers for over 10 years to custom
Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 03 07:02:24 EDT 2014 | cbeneat
we also use the FKN Systek K3000, we have 4 of these and two of the motorized K4000's both are easy to use and reliable. FKN also has a blade sharpening service.
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 02 14:32:54 EDT 2014 | nicodj77
Hi Beto, We've been using for more than 3 years the "FKN Systek Model K3000S", It's very simple, cheap and easy to use. So far so good, no issues at all. Good luck!!
Electronics Forum | Fri May 17 08:46:59 EDT 2002 | pjc
UltraPrint 3000 is now the UltraFlex 3000 UltraPrint 1500 is now the AccuFlex AccuFlex starts at $75K
Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 29 14:57:18 EDT 2002 | pjc
Hi VMS, I think if any model it would be the one they sell the most to the Asia market, which is the UltraPrint 2000. By the way, the UP3000 is called the UltraFlex 3000 this week. The UF3K is the top-of-the-range machine, top $$$$.
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 16 09:29:13 EDT 1999 | Rob Jankowski
| | | Looking for a manual machine to de-panel with the panels held by 60mm tabs. Each panel hold multi-boards consisting of different shapes and sizes. Scoring is apparently not an option and volume does not dictate a large scale machine. | | | |
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 16 09:31:05 EDT 1999 | Rob Jankowski
| | | | Looking for a manual machine to de-panel with the panels held by 60mm tabs. Each panel hold multi-boards consisting of different shapes and sizes. Scoring is apparently not an option and volume does not dictate a large scale machine. | | |
Electronics Forum | Thu May 24 12:55:19 EDT 2007 | pjc
First off, go with HiE (Hi Efficiency) machines only. UP3K and UP2K have huge differences- board size, speed, options, etc... too many to list really. I would recommend UP2K HiE over UP3K HiE. Its a simpler machine and easier to find on the used m
Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 03 09:13:59 EST 2003 | vinhmach1
Hi, Each people will have diff idea. If you ask me... with that $90k in hand you can get a used MPM 3000 fully automate from some dealer/broker. Very nice machine. Prices will be depand on age and option. Good luck.
Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 03 10:11:08 EDT 2016 | tnisbet
If you end up buying a depaneling machine/robot, > the guys at Pentagon EMS are very good at making > fixtures. Once they have the specifications of > your machine all you will have to send them is > your panelized drawing of your board. In extre