Electronics Forum | Sat Mar 04 11:07:21 EST 2006 | charls
hi pavel, If you are getting vibrate during fast mode, encoder or motor cable might be faulty. yes i faced the same problem in Juki KE2010 m/c. Try by replacing encoder & motor cable from Motor to driver unit. All the best
Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 22 13:51:58 EST 2013 | smtequip
I have them new and used. Scott 310-713-2575 smtequip@gmail.com
Electronics Forum | Sun Jan 24 14:05:05 EST 1999 | Daniel
Looking for used juky machines KE 730,740
Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 27 21:51:45 EST 1999 | Dave F
| Looking for used juky machines KE 730,740 | Daniel: Must you have Juki? Juki is sold by Zevatech in much of the world. The following equipment brokers list Zeva 740s for sale. http://www.globlenet.com/gnet1/gn01007.htm http://hi-techsources.bu
Electronics Forum | Sat Aug 26 03:12:27 EDT 2017 | ausplex
Hi, We have a Juki KE-730, and was looking to buy a Zevatech KE-730 has a backup and for spares. We thought these machines would be identical, however when we looked at the circuit cards we noticed the image processing cards were quite different. I
Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 03 03:08:36 EST 2006 | Frank
To answer your compatibity question. I am assuming you have a 730 already... The 760 can always open the 730 files, but depending on the software verion on the 730 the 730 may not be able to open the 740/760 files. If your 730 has version 5 or hig
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 16 09:10:45 EDT 2018 | sarason
I have a Juki KE750 Instruction Manual if that is of any use sarason
Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 27 15:43:06 EST 2005 | Mike
We need to know capabilties of Juki/Zevatech KE740(FM740)compared to KE760(FM760). Are they both compatible with FS730? Can someone help? Marry Xmass @ Happy New Year Mike
Electronics Forum | Sat Aug 26 03:18:15 EDT 2017 | ausplex
Mid-production our KE-730 halted and gave us a “SUB CPU1:BUS ERROR” message on the video monitor. Then we got on the same monitor a detailed error message with address and byte information (unfortunately I didn’t copy the details). Now when we boot
Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 28 13:04:23 EST 2005 | fastek
Mike- This is sort of how it goes with Zevatech/Juki. 710-chipshooter, 720-Flex mounter 730-chipshooter, 740- Flex mounter 750- chipshooter, 760- Flex mounter (at about this time, Juki took over). So yes....the 730 is compatable with either the 74