Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 25 00:01:40 EDT 2017 | tomwd
Hi everyone, I am new to My12 pick and place. I have MY12 machine shutdown during run. Since then when I power up the machine, the TPSYS keeps rebooting, and never completing Initiate Hardware phase. I suspect that it is a hardware issue rather than
Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 25 08:07:17 EDT 2017 | dekhead
Not a MY expert, but would suspect the computer PSU. DCV drop during boot will definitely cause this symptom.
Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 25 17:09:02 EDT 2017 | tomwd
Is the computer PSU located in BM4CB unit and get the 12v/5v voltages generated from 12v/5v box via the XP5/12v cable?
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 26 07:32:46 EDT 2017 | bk
If you open up the back panel of the unit where your mot boards and cpu are there is a panel with test points. You can test all the dc voltages there including the 5 and 12 volts ones for the cpu.
Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 14 08:14:07 EST 2015 | ahanna
We have a Quad 4000c refurbished from PPM. I have worked with quads for many years and this one seems to bend Z-Rods more than usual. In the past few months we have gone through nearly 10 Z-Rods. This is getting expensive. This is happening during pr
Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 24 19:32:16 EDT 2021 | jdengler
I would start there. Swap MP boards between the 2 machines to see if the problem follows. If that doesn't change anything then try the SCSI board, you can continue until the problem moves to id the bad board.
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 25 21:41:12 EDT 2021 | same problem
I'm having same problem with one of my CP-642s. We checked cards and now the monitors are not turning on.
Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 23 16:28:14 EDT 2021 | rodrigo
Hi all, One of our Fuji IP3 (we have two) keeps losing the proper data (proper, status, programs) when off for a couple of days or so. I changed the battery on the MP board (its voltage looked fine: 3.6v) but that didn't fixed it. I notice a super ca
Electronics Forum | Sun Dec 13 01:48:16 EST 1998 | Jeff Sanchez
| While trying to access this web site you sent over 10 "cookies" A bit overdone, isn't it? | Ed, lighten up, it's the holidays! Pack up the cookies and hand them out to your friends and loved ones.Eat all you can cause around here there are plent
Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 09 16:27:46 EDT 2020 | oxygensmd
Sadly, without line controller software you won't be able to load jobs to your machines. Check your mails later.