Electronics Forum: key-pad (Page 1 of 2)

Carbon Ink vs Immersion Gold for key pads.

Electronics Forum | Tue May 02 20:55:10 EDT 2006 | Board House

Hi all, I'm looking for anyone with info in regards to reliability of carbon ink vs. Immersion Gold Key pads. I have customers that still request Carbon Ink for there Key pads, while the majority have switch to Immersion Gold. Is there any readin

Carbon Ink vs Immersion Gold for key pads.

Electronics Forum | Wed May 03 15:56:25 EDT 2006 | Board House

Hi Patrick, Thank you for the info, We like to push ENIG, for us being the ENIG line is in house it is cheaper to use than the carbon, plus shelf life of the Carbon is an issue in Storage. Pre-application. Thanks again, Mike

Carbon Ink vs Immersion Gold for key pads.

Electronics Forum | Wed May 03 22:14:29 EDT 2006 | davef

We think well done carbon ink and well done ENIG are equally reliable [maybe 1M operations]. If the gold is pourous [not all that an uncommon], ENIG is far less reliable than carbon ink.

Fuji CP643 question

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 29 16:13:53 EDT 2009 | jimmyboz

Hit the help key while cursored on that category,(televideo monitor) if the sticker wore off, its one of the keys in the upper right, below the the F keys, above the number key pad, let me know if you got it.

ENIG used with stainless-steel membrane switch

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 24 22:58:13 EDT 2008 | davef

At the 2004 IMAPS Nordic Conference, Claus W�rtz Nielsson from Nokia Mobile Phones published "The Evolution of Surface Finishes in Mobile Phone Applications" [www.imaps.org/adv_micro/papers/Nordic2004paper.pdf]. Some of the results were: * Corrosion

Changing Ni/Au finish to HASL lead free

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 06 17:33:07 EST 2011 | boardhouse

Hi Johan, Sounds like you have already gone over your product very well to reduce product cost. Switching away from Deep gold Tabs & carbon ink Key pads can save quite a bit. The only other thing to suggest would be material - Moving away from Isol

Panasonic MV2C pick and place.

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 24 23:08:03 EST 2021 | gabriel1blue

How are you? Thank you for your time and all you help. I hope you can help me out one more time? The machine got reset again and normally I would just enter the date backwards as a password and everything it's good now the date has ; character in-bet

Carbon Ink vs Immersion Gold for key pads.

Electronics Forum | Wed May 03 15:00:44 EDT 2006 | patrickbruneel

It all depends on process, design and environment in which the contacts are used. Both have excellent conductivity characteristics Both don't oxidize over time On the other hand gold is much softer then carbon, and after hitting that contact a gazil

Streaking at Screen Printing

Electronics Forum | Sun Dec 17 14:49:57 EST 2006 | kvanzill

Well, We have several lines some products run Kester 256 and others run the Timura. I have changed the product to print on another printer and it follows. We have several products that use the same paste and similiar board design that has a problem

Re: Downtime on SMT lines

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 16 12:31:36 EST 2000 | Stefan Witte

Hi Willem, you may be better off to study the archives of Universities. I know that at least the Universities in Berlin, Munich and Georgia Tech here in Atlanta are studying the manufacturing process on SMT lines. I was once exposed to a quite compli

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