Electronics Forum: keyboard yamaha (Page 1 of 1)

artistic performances with electronic clothes

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 11 04:43:35 EST 2001 | maubrey

I am the director of a performance/art group who work with electroacoustic clothing. Esssentially we perform with electronic clothes that make sounds by react with/to the environment. Please take a look mat our web site (complete wi

Yamaha YV100XT

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 13 11:54:48 EDT 2004 | raj_nz

We use a Yamaha YV100XT pick and place machine, we have just discovered this new error, during operation or resetting after making some changes on production data the machines freezes and the keyboard and controller freezed. to get it back to working

Philips CSM 46/60 Manuals

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 01 10:07:35 EDT 2014 | sarason

My program PCBSynergy will generate a file for this machine http://members.iinet.net.au/~sarason/ The machine type is Yamaha YM6021 under the dropdown menus. The Communication control is a little on the difficult side and is not as extensive as wh


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