Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 15 09:17:28 EST 2006 | mapell
Vick Russ is very correct. Get the paste material specificatioin. Please get your favorite data logger (ECD, KIC, DatPaq, etc..), attach some TC's and take a profile. This is the ONLY way to know what your reflow system is doing and how to alter.
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 16 14:50:48 EDT 2003 | jonfox
sounds like a profile for some type of adhesive. depending on your required profile (manufacturer supplied) make sure that it matches it. For most adhesives (loctite, etc...) you just have to make sure it reaches a certain temp (150C for example
Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 08 16:13:22 EDT 2010 | rwyman
Why reinvent the wheel, Bart? You can buy a thermal barrier from one of the logger manufacturers (M.O.L.E., KIC, DataPAQ, etc). They come in varying sizes and temperature ratings. Maybe you can find one that suits your unit. Good luck.
Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 26 19:48:14 EST 1998 | Scott B.
| | What are the key feature to look for in buying a profiling product for Reflow ? | | | | Who's is the best and how much do these systems cost ? | | | | Thanks in advance. | | | | Hi Mark, | | I am currently the oven sector engineer for a larg
Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 26 15:59:38 EST 1998 | carlm
| What are the key feature to look for in buying a profiling product for Reflow ? | | Who's is the best and how much do these systems cost ? | | Thanks in advance. | | Hi Mark, I am currently the oven sector engineer for a large CM. I spend a lo
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 27 04:19:40 EST 1998 | Mark
| | | | What are the key feature to look for in buying a profiling product for Reflow ? | | | | | | Who's is the best and how much do these systems cost ? | | | | | | Thanks in advance. | | | | | | Hi Mark, | | | | I am currently the oven secto
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 27 10:10:21 EST 1998 | Chrys
| | | | | | What are the key feature to look for in buying a profiling product for Reflow ? | | | | | | | | Who's is the best and how much do these systems cost ? | | | | | | | | Thanks in advance. | | | | | | | | Hi Mark, | | | | | | I am curr
Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 13 10:31:14 EDT 2006 | CL
Hello Brad, We are running the Slim Kic 2000. We have found the predictions to be fairly accurate as long as the suggested change is within 20 degrees of the original recipie. As a test I ran a board with the wrong profile. The predictions got me wi
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 27 16:11:36 EST 1998 | carl m
| | | | What are the key feature to look for in buying a profiling product for Reflow ? | | | | | | Who's is the best and how much do these systems cost ? | | | | | | Thanks in advance. | | | | | | Hi Mark, | | | | I am currently the oven secto
Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 22 06:08:45 EST 2005 | Grant
Hi, We used to manually profile by comparing logged temp numbers and matching the paste profile. But we got a KIC and it's software was so much better we got a good reduction in rework and we have almost no first run faults now. I would recommend on