Electronics Forum: kits (Page 1 of 61)

$800 splicing kits

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 29 18:25:35 EDT 1999 | d. clement

I am looking for a good splicing kit at a reasonable cost. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Re: Circuit repair kits

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 06 08:00:41 EDT 2000 | jackofalltrades

We use both, old boards and repair kits with equal success. Contact East (http://www.contacteast.com/) has a nice selection of kits depending on your needs, beginner v.s. experienced.

Re: Circuit repair kits

Electronics Forum | Sat Oct 07 12:15:03 EDT 2000 | fugtussey

PACE also makes a variety of repair kits called Thermobond Cir-Kit. You can find it at http://paceworldwide.com/MainBottom.asp?Page=ShowSystems.asp?ID=6

Circuit repair kits

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 05 16:48:41 EDT 2000 | LarryK

Has anyone ever used the circuit repair kits? The type where you can replace a PTH or SMT pad that has been lifted or damaged? It appears that you just select a pad, trace or whatever needs replacing from a panel and heat or glue it onto the board.

Re: Circuit repair kits

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 05 17:05:36 EDT 2000 | JAX

These types of foil kits work just fine as long as they are used before expiration. Scraping off the epoxy coat gets a little tough on fine pitch pads and etches. I have always like to use a solder sample board to retrieve my bits & pieces from whene

Re: $800 splicing kits

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 30 14:37:59 EDT 1999 | Stefan Witte

| I am looking for a good splicing kit at a reasonable cost. Any suggestions would be appreciated. | You may want to try a product out of Germany, which does not require a tool. SMD Double Splice Tape from Steier Tesa. Tel.: 011 49 41214 730. Tesa

RoHS Tool kits

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 15 10:07:43 EST 2007 | davef

Dip the tool handles in a colored plastic coating material, like: * Plasti-Coat Plastisol Coating * Aervoe Polyshield Protective Coat

RoHS Tool kits

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 15 10:16:44 EST 2007 | dyoungquist

You can buy green fingernail polish and mark each handle with it. That may not look professional but it is much cheaper than buying an entire set of new tools.

RoHS Tool kits

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 21 16:02:56 EST 2007 | muse95

We had some assemblers who were handy sewers, sew some pouches for us, for some extra cash on the side. One colour was chosen for a normal bench, a different colour for a leadfree bench kit. The pouches had lots of pockets. Then we populated it wi

RoHS Tool kits

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 14 20:06:20 EST 2007 | petep

I would like a nicely packaged set of assembly tools (green handles and pouch) for use with RoHS assemblies. I have Green mats, dedicated irons, but would like clearly identifiable tools to better segregate the process. Can any of you provide a Man

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