Electronics Forum: koh young aoi time between inspection (Page 1 of 6)

AOI for solder inspection

Electronics Forum | Sun Nov 08 08:58:55 EST 2009 | aliabdul77

Instead of you spend money on AOI,my recomendation will be to install SPI machine ( solder paste inspection machine)since most of your defect are solderability issues.AOI only will ensure no escapee to backend/human escapee but SPI will help to to en

AOI for solder inspection

Electronics Forum | Sun Nov 08 09:00:49 EST 2009 | aliabdul77

Instead of you spend money on AOI,my recomendation will be to install SPI machine ( solder paste inspection machine)since most of your defect are solderability issues.AOI only will ensure no escapee to backend/human escapee but SPI will help to to en

Comparison between Vitech and Mirtec

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 10 18:35:05 EST 2011 | eadthem

Ive used a Mirtec machine for 3 years MV3L with side angle inspection. Mirtec has some issues documentation, and repair plus. But there machine is impressive and the AOI software is good. We can find about 90-99.99% of all errors using just the 5

Can anyone tell me that between Mirtek & Kohyoung which AOI machine will be better and why?

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 12 16:42:33 EST 2015 | hegemon

I can only speak for Mirtec and Yestech AOI for SMT Solder Inspection. We do use Koh-Young AOI for Solder Paste Inspection. As usual ,you need to identify exactly what it is you are trying to achieve with your AOI, if you are just trying to fill a

Can anyone tell me that between Mirtek & Kohyoung which AOI machine will be better and why?

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 16 22:34:24 EST 2015 | anvil1021

WEll unfortunately I know the answer to your dilemma all too well and I will make it easy for you. The Koh Young takes a miracle to program and the Mirtec has a superior software and 3D system when you have the MV9 system. Just to day I was measuring

Can anyone tell me that between Mirtek & Kohyoung which AOI machine will be better and why?

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 03 16:14:37 EST 2015 | lokit

Hello, No experience with Mirtec, they are more populair in the States and Asia it seems. For my company, not only the inspection depth and reducing false fails was important, but also good costumer support. Keep in mind that if you have problems w

Can anyone tell me that between Mirtek & Kohyoung which AOI machine will be better and why?

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 24 03:36:37 EST 2015 | jlawson

Also should look at Viscom 3088Flex Ultra if after AOI with 3D capability. The camera optics module has many innovative features, super fast data capture - much faster then Mirtek and KohYoung. Both these companies have taken 3DSPI and turned into AO

Can anyone tell me that between Mirtek & Kohyoung which AOI machine will be better and why?

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 17 12:58:11 EST 2015 | anvil1021

The MV-7 OMNI is a Great Machine, has the same 3D Solution MV-9 Quad Moire Multi Frequency System. You will not be disappointed, you will find new ways to use the 3D system as time goes on and it is rock stable and incredibly precise. Either the MV-

Can anyone tell me that between Mirtek & Kohyoung which AOI machine will be better and why?

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 13 08:41:45 EST 2015 | emeto

Hi, I have MV-7xi from Mirtec. Mine is equipped with the best camera they have as well as telecentric lens which give you very good resolution and view. Machine handles very good most of the defects in SMT. However, when we go to the solder joints i

Help me to choose AOI-machine!

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 19 11:38:55 EDT 2024 | jergod

Thats true. But of course there is still differences between machines even all top brands are capable of doing inspection. We are looking best machines for use and price is not critical. Seems like in general Koh Young is leader, but as we have Yamah

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