Electronics Forum: koh young comm error (Page 1 of 2)

Koh Young Fiducial error multi-up panels

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 12 09:24:08 EDT 2019 | sarason

If you like you can sen me some files on the Koh Young machine and I can add it to PCBSynerby, It is available for free download here:- http://members.iinet.net.au/~sarason/ sarason

Koh Young Fiducial error multi-up panels

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 11 07:15:16 EDT 2019 | SMTA-John

From what I understand, in the PCB Info window that first pops up when you open CEditor, the number of fids is multiplied by the number of arrays. So if you have a 4-up panel and you enter No. of Arrays = 4 and No. of fids = 2, the machine will look

Koh Young Fiducial error multi-up panels

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 10 14:10:08 EDT 2019 | griinder

I am able to create a single board program using gerber and centroid, and teaching footprints. I can then assign 2 global fids(a third never seems to display in Ceditor), and export my pad file. I then open it in ceditor and export the job file. Load


Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 28 04:00:52 EST 2018 | mnyut

Has the Gerber files already been checked with a Gerber viewer?

Koh Young 3030VAL Failure on Homing

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 28 23:52:08 EDT 2022 | glasscake

Seemed to have fixed it. When reassembling the gray PC I noticed the motion controller card can be pushed into the PCI connector rather deep. once i raised it up and only pushed it as far as the washer would have it go in it started to work again. I


Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 24 23:33:20 EDT 2018 | vinzon02

Hi all; I need advise to Koh Young SPI machine user. I had problem on importing gerber file. I requested stencil gerber files to supplier but all gerber files send to me cannot be import on KY8030-2 machine. Error appears "There is no Gerber file t


Electronics Forum | Sat Dec 01 02:28:40 EST 2018 | buckcho

Hi there, there are usually two gerber types that stencil guys send. Ask them to send the other type. Additionally contact me if you want to know more - there is a workaround with free gerbview program - load the gerber and just save it.

Koh Young 3030 SPI - Not Homing

Electronics Forum | Fri May 07 21:31:52 EDT 2021 | sosigguy

Have you checked WinMCS? it's the software in windows that controls the machine. if you open it up it might have thrown some error codes, i believe it has some diagnostics in it aswell.

Koh Young 3030VAL Failure on Homing

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 24 23:41:40 EDT 2022 | glasscake

Another oddity, when I unplug the PCI1/2 cables and cycle power I still get the same error.

Koh Young 3030VAL Failure on Homing

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 24 23:34:55 EDT 2022 | glasscake

My Koh Young 3030VAL errors on the homing routine. The "DTool" "MCS" gives me an error "Before homing, X-AAxis already checked negative limit..." "Before Hoking, Y Axis already checked negative limit..." "Please turn off the control-power-switch, an

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