Electronics Forum: koh young spi result codes (Page 1 of 1)

Koh Young 3030 SPI - Not Homing

Electronics Forum | Fri May 07 21:31:52 EDT 2021 | sosigguy

Have you checked WinMCS? it's the software in windows that controls the machine. if you open it up it might have thrown some error codes, i believe it has some diagnostics in it aswell.

Which AOI /SPI System is the Best? Viscom S3088; Koh Young 8030 or Parmi Xceed

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 21 23:37:18 EST 2016 | paradoxson

Hello to All, I have a question. We are currently under negotiation to buy a SPI/ 3D AOI as a bundle. Since there are so much of different companys, we took already 3 of them into the inner circle. What are your experiences whith these 3 Systems? I


Electronics Forum | Thu May 13 11:35:41 EDT 2021 | winston_one

I'd choose between Koh-Young and Omron. Other machines seems to have some conpromises on technologys (just my point of view). We have both of them, but on different sites. Now just planning to perform a batle between it on the same assemblys batch to

Koh Young Software Struggles and Frustrations

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 09 16:10:26 EST 2018 | wnb_peman

Hello everyone, We're a CM that utilizes both the Zenith AOI and 8030 SPI platforms. High mix, relative low volume so we're told by KY that our library is very large comparative to their other clients. Of all the SMT equipment we own, the KY softw


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