Electronics Forum: komori pcb repair (Page 1 of 28)

PCB open trace repair

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 08 06:13:44 EDT 2006 | spari77

hi, can anyone share experience on PCB open trace repair? we have some data that indicates that this repair is high risk and really very dependant on repairer skills. It may also cause reliability issue for trace repair. please advice.

PCB Mask repair

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 02 11:27:49 EST 1998 | Mike c

I am looking for a product to repair PCB mask (seal exposed copper) and fill Gouges in pcbs, any suggestions?

Re: PCB Mask repair

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 03 08:26:58 EST 1998 | Scott Cook

| I am looking for a product to repair PCB mask (seal exposed copper) and fill Gouges in pcbs, any suggestions? Why not use an electonic grade 5 minute epoxy? As long as it's inert, I'd do it. Scott

Re: PCB Mask repair

Electronics Forum | Sat Apr 04 15:28:36 EST 1998 | Use one of our UV cure conformal coatings

| | | I am looking for a product to repair PCB mask (seal exposed copper) and fill Gouges in pcbs, any suggestions? | Why not use an electonic grade 5 minute epoxy? | As long as it's inert, I'd do it. | Scott

Re: PCB Mask repair

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 15 15:24:40 EDT 1998 | D.Lange

| I am looking for a product to repair PCB mask (seal exposed copper) and fill Gouges in pcbs, any suggestions? Try this stuff no mix no mess comes in green and clear and maybe other colors. Dries readily at room temp and is in pen form for easy disp

Re: PCB Mask repair

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 02 12:21:56 EST 1998 | Justin Medernach

| I am looking for a product to repair PCB mask (seal exposed copper) and fill Gouges in pcbs, any suggestions? Mike, They sell all sorts of reparation kits for this type of problem. Liquid mask can come in many forms. The easiest to use is probabl

PCB open trace repair

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 08 11:18:09 EDT 2006 | Chunks

Since we build produt and co not repair, we send our damaged boards to a place that specializes in board repair.

PCB open trace repair

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 09 09:59:23 EDT 2006 | russ

Trace repair is dependent upon the operator. A highly skilled operator can repair a trace with no adverse effects on assembly. IPC has a manual on reapir methods and there associated risk relating to reliabilty. I wil try and find number when time

Lead-Free SMD repair

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 02 11:16:23 EDT 2005 | JH

I concern about the Through Hole soldering as well. Currently, we have encountered some problems of Multilayer from Through Hole soldering. The root-cause is probably related to PCB Finish, machine setting, Thermal relief Pad or hole and something e

Heller 1809EXL TDM repair

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 24 14:31:36 EDT 2020 | kumarb

Thank you so much for your comments. It sounds very logical as the probes are indeed the original along with the rest of the insides of this machine (270 hours of on time). The entire module is offset by 50-75 degrees cooler so suspecting that the pe

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