Electronics Forum: l and patterns (Page 1 of 12)

Re: Land patterns for 0612 and 0508 capacitors

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 30 21:23:55 EST 1999 | cklau

hello; When we are doing component land pattern design , one thing will always be in our mind; that is the basic criteria or common land pattern design guideline for reflow and flow solder assemblies. For basic fomula in calculating resistors are:

Land patterns for 0612 and 0508 capacitors

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 30 15:38:27 EST 1999 | Wendy Casker

Hi, I am looking for land patterns for 0612 and 0508 chip capacitors. Because they are not standard (yet) package sizes, i am having trouble finding a standard land pattern. (If you don't know what these are, picture a 1206 or an 0805 with the te

Re: Land patterns for 0612 and 0508 capacitors

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 30 17:07:42 EST 1999 | Dave F

Wendy: The IPC-SM-782 Pad Calculator (www.ipc.org/html/fsresources.htm) should be able help you solve your problem. Good luck Dave F

MY15 and MY19

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 19 08:58:09 EDT 2004 | pjc

MY15: 4080mm (160") L x 2000mm (78") D x 1450mm (57") H, 2500Kg (5500lbs) Wght. MY19: 4800 (188") L D & H dims same, 2800kg (6160lbs) Wght

JUKI KE2060R and KE2060L

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 18 13:59:05 EDT 2009 | cyber_wolf

Can anyone tell me the difference between these two machines ?

JUKI KE2060R and KE2060L

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 21 12:51:12 EDT 2009 | cyber_wolf

Thank you.

Pick and Place Machine

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 16 23:23:03 EDT 2011 | ckyien

Hi, my company is looking for SMT lines. Currently our target for pick and place machine is on Yamaha YS12P/YS12F and Juki 2080L/3020L. Kindly please share your comments of pros and cons of these machines. Also please recommend other brands and mod

BGA and Land Patterns

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 27 12:32:53 EDT 1999 | Frank Hinojos

What is the current spec for sizing PCB pads for a land grid array? How about for a ball grid array? Are there industry spec's I can reference? Thanks, Frank

BGA lands and ICT

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 20 15:18:09 EST 2002 | angiewest

You may want to check out IPC-SM-782 "Surface Mount Design and Land Pattern Standard" http://www.ipc.org Good Luck

BGA assembly and inspection

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 07 03:57:39 EDT 2000 | Steven Cheung

Does anyone know of a freely-available document which discusses the main considerations of BGA assembly and inspection (x-ray?). l need to know about pad sizes and inspection standards and when to underfill and when not to etc.. l am looking at ass

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