Electronics Forum: l305 soft limit error (Page 1 of 2)

Topaz X large component sequencer pick causes outside soft limit error

Electronics Forum | Wed May 13 10:34:57 EDT 2015 | squeekypigeon

If memory serves me right, if you are test picking a component which will be served to the machine via an LCS the 'pick position' will automatically set itself to feeder slot 1. If you change this to something more central (I used to use location 4

Topaz X large component sequencer pick causes outside soft limit error

Electronics Forum | Wed May 06 20:52:26 EDT 2015 | arbpkevin

I have been using my topaz X for about 4 years now and I feel that I am fairly knowledgeable about it, at least the functions of it that I use... I am trying to use the LCS to place some qfp chips on a new product and I have set the whole thing up t

Topaz X large component sequencer pick causes outside soft limit error

Electronics Forum | Wed May 13 12:39:25 EDT 2015 | arbpkevin

Ahh, yes. Just about the same time you replied someone else I asked said the same thing! I didn't realize that you had to put the part on by hand for the vision test. In the book it says to leave the feeder position set to the default setting. Fu

Quad 4C pickup limit error

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 08 13:07:18 EDT 2016 | claudea2

Hello Bob, we changed the nozzle z parameter until we got limit errors and backed up 1 mil. There was a slight reduction in the limit errors on the pickup of the component but it is still a problem. With the mod code we adjust the soft z height to ab

Quad 4C pickup limit error

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 08 15:22:32 EDT 2016 | bobpan

If its a tall part and you are trying to scan it lower than 200 or so...you can have this problem (limit error). Thinking of things to look at.....Is your z-rod spring sticking? Push up on it and it should spring back with NO hesitation...if it does.

Quad 4C pickup limit error

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 25 07:43:24 EDT 2016 | claudea2

We have been having a recurring error on one of our Quad 4Cs. When it picks up the first of 8 47uF SMT capacitor it stops with a limit error. If we do 2 consecutive function 30s, the problem goes away until the next board. The first function 30 re

Topaz - New to me - L305 SoftLimit... ??

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 09 09:18:13 EST 2010 | davemacnemo

Machine installer gave me some tips and a run through the software. Everything worked just fine. First solo attempt to run product that we started with gives L305 SoftLimitOver... error after picking first components and passing over camera. Additio

Topaz - New to me - L305 SoftLimit... ??

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 09 12:15:14 EST 2010 | rajtaware

Check if the feeder position is out of picking area mentioned in manual. Change the feeder position.

Topaz - New to me - L305 SoftLimit... ??

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 09 13:27:05 EST 2010 | duchoang

Re-optimize the program. One (or more) head(s) can not reach and pick up parts from certain feeders.

Topaz - New to me - L305 SoftLimit... ??

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 16 09:37:05 EST 2010 | davemacnemo

Stumbled around in the data management section for a while and found that the board origin somehow got its sign changed from -ve X value to +ve :o/ - Is there any way to change the colors on the display. Someone has made some really bad choices (blac

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