Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 14 22:19:05 EST 2008 | ashley
hello Keith, the problem may be related to a faulty / dirty linear scale. kindly check on the yellow strip along the X axis. clean & clear the glass linear scale of debris & grease. for Fuji support & spare parts, please write to :- apexservice@
Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 25 09:59:44 EDT 2013 | bobpan
Hello, This is from my old documents....hope it helps. I would first try mod code 53 = 2 first.....if the machine is a 2C. The motor was known for causing this problem after getting old. These are all resolutions for motor error 4. Step Potential P
Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 09 05:12:43 EST 2011 | bobpan
Motor error 4 is an error that is caused by the machine not reaching a position in a timely matter. Usually its in the x/y axis but also could be z. If you have cleared the mod codes (function 35 shift 7) the machine should home. Usually this problem
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