Electronics Forum | Fri May 27 16:27:12 EDT 2005 | michaelmcclay
I believe it read Quad 1000 on the machine ID label. The serial number of the machine is 9518-A-02. The operator changed some settings in the configuration file and I need to get that back to the original settings. Any help you can offer would be
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 14 10:52:35 EDT 2014 | swag
Can't help you with the manual but do have some tips: If it was shipped, it's possible someone tied axis or blocked stuff for shipping. Look for that. Look for bent sensor flags + go into I/O and check to see all sensors you can find are working.
Electronics Forum | Sat Oct 18 22:41:54 EDT 2014 | pfifla1
Can't help you with the manual but do have some > tips: If it was shipped, it's possible someone > tied axis or blocked stuff for shipping. Look > for that. Look for bent sensor flags + go into > I/O and check to see all sensors you can find a
Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 24 10:57:32 EDT 2019 | aharper
We recently acquired an EKRA E5 (vintage 1999), and I am receiving a "Machine Offline" error. I discovered a cable labeled "X20b" that is disconnected, but I cannot find the port it should be connected to. I do have the manual but have not found any
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 26 13:34:05 EDT 2004 | gregp
Yes, Rob, the database can be output to a text file. But you do not need to create new labels because the correct information is in the database. The original label on the reel contains the reel's unique ID which correlates to the database (the info
Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 08 08:01:35 EDT 2014 | cyber_wolf
So we had a ringblow pump blow up in our CP642. We replaced it and now we are getting hardware NG errors very intermittently.(2-4 times during and 8 hour shift) I see that the x-motor fan, cam motor fan,and oil cooler are all in this circuit. When i
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 17 07:53:31 EDT 2000 | Wolfgang Busko
Getting things "foolproof" is sometimes a hard effort and can cost a lot of money. Who is able to tell that it actually saves money instead of wasting it. Transfering responsibility from operators to a system may lead to a somewhat less responsible a
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 19 09:12:33 EDT 1999 | John O'Brien
Why use labels? They are expensive, fall off, get mangled, etc. If you directly mark the boards, you'll probably save money, enhance traceability, etc. One major contract manufacturer projects payback at 7 months just eliminating label cost and goin
Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 28 16:34:34 EST 2020 | spoiltforchoice
I genuinely think component verifier on the machine is the optimum solution. Even then it can probably get caught out, we build some instrumentation that can have 10K 1%, 10K 0.1% and 10k 0.1% 2ppm, a verifier won't catch those getting mixed up,likew
Electronics Forum | Fri May 31 16:26:22 EDT 2002 | Feederman
Steve, you might want to check out the pre-printed and print-on-demand label feeders that are available through Hover-Davis. These types of feeder remove the potential human placement errors which sometimes occur. The feeders are available for most p