Electronics Forum: label printer (Page 1 of 6)

PCB label printing

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 05 13:30:01 EDT 2011 | leemeyer

We are required by most of our customers to apply a serial # to the boards that we build. As the PC boards have been getting smaller and open areas on the board are getting scarce we have been forced into using smaller and smaller labels. I am lookin

PCB label printing

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 06 09:30:10 EDT 2011 | leemeyer

We use various Zebra printers for 2D barcodes > with great success. We also have had great sucess with our Zebra's. I think that the labels that we are trying to print now on smaller than the printer (170xii) was designed to handle. I am looking f

PCB label printing

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 05 16:08:12 EDT 2011 | tombstonesmt

We use various Zebra printers for 2D barcodes with great success.

Quad vmp20b printer

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 25 09:09:38 EST 2005 | pjc

Try contacting Sigmaprint at http://www.sigmaprint.co.uk FYI: That priner was made by SMTech in the UK, now shut down. Quad just labeled them.

PB and PB Free on same screen printer

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 04 16:07:03 EDT 2007 | jdengler

Everything for a lead free job is labeled with green lead free labels. This includes all processing documentation. When the kit is issued to production the production supervisor and SMT lead operator are reminded that the job is lead free. When th

Label Printers

Electronics Forum | Wed May 07 15:42:11 EDT 2008 | joeherz

We have a need to print (via thermal transfer) labels with heights of

Thermal Transfer Label Printers

Electronics Forum | Thu May 02 16:34:41 EDT 2013 | rway

We use Zebra 2824 for small labels. It's a decent printer and we have been using this style for years. I don't know anything about Brady, but they might be worth looking into.

Re: labeling systems

Electronics Forum | Sat Sep 12 16:13:31 EDT 1998 | Tom Jura

| We are looking at implimenting a bar code system for a SMT | production line. To start we are looking at label printer/applicators. Are there any other companies that we should consider besides Zebra and Imtec?? Thanks for your input. | John You

Barcodes for PCBs - what systems?

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 11 02:35:56 EDT 2008 | pickyplacer

Hi, we have to print a serial barcode on a low volume PCB. For another module we just used our laser printer and cut the labels to size. However, those laser labels are easy to rub off, and the new labels are much smaller. What is best to use for

Re: labeling systems

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 20 15:15:49 EDT 1998 | Wayne Bracy

| We are looking at implimenting a bar code system for a SMT | production line. To start we are looking at label printer/applicators. Are there any other companies that we should consider besides Zebra and Imtec?? Thanks for your input. | John Joh

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