Electronics Forum: lack of wetting (Page 1 of 16)

Centroid Data (or lack of it)

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 15 17:42:50 EST 2010 | ck_the_flip

We do not have capabilities with our current PCB layout software to generate a pick and place file and/or centroid data. Consequently, we are teaching all centroids at the machine. Are there any software tools or utilities that can take a basic ger

Centroid Data (or lack of it)

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 16 12:16:12 EST 2010 | jdengler

You may want to also check out a cheaper package. They advertise here. Unisoft is a simpler package which makes it cheaper. http://www.unisoft-cim.com/ Jerry

Centroid Data (or lack of it)

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 17 20:47:51 EST 2010 | jlawson

Also take a look at vplan from Mentor graphics(Valor) this has very powerful CAD/CAM to centroid capability...can generate Centroid data from Gerber - creates packages , polarities and assigns Refdes with easy to use tool...

Centroid Data (or lack of it)

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 16 07:55:56 EST 2010 | rgduval

Aegis Industrial Softwares CircuitCAM can import a gerber file, and allow you to establish a pick and place program from it. It can also take a scanned image of the actual board to do this. It's a moderately painful process; but it is doable. Circ

Centroid Data (or lack of it)

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 16 19:16:37 EST 2010 | rkondner

Hi, I don't know how many boards you do a month but something I have used for up to 10 jobs a day here is a free tool: http://www.kondner.com/files/bbsetup_Feb_2010.zip I think it is better than Aegis but then I wrote it. :-) This is a BIG too

Centroid Data (or lack of it)

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 11 13:20:26 EST 2011 | methos1979

I can second the Unisoft Pronto software. We were in the same boat where getting centroid data files to program our AOI system was killing us. The Pronto software takes gerber files and BOMs and marries them into usable centroid data files for AOI

Centroid Data (or lack of it)

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 12 05:36:37 EST 2011 | vinitverma

We designed a fairly simple software called PROCAM to do exactly that! It takes 2 Gerber layers - Paste/Mask layer and the Silk layer. Within minutes you can extract all the centroids. PROCAM has a standard excel output with all the centroids, fiduci

IPC-A-610 interpretation of wetting angle (Chapter5)

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 12 13:15:37 EDT 2017 | davef

It is the two conditions pictured in IPC-A-610F, Figure 5-1 C, D. In the old, simplier days, we wanted our solder connection to have: * Low wetting angle * Shiny metal Today, the metal doesn't have to be shiny and the wetting angle can be a high

Non wetting spots of flex PCB pads

Electronics Forum | Fri May 12 08:58:04 EDT 2023 | tommy_magyar

This is a defect in all IPC classes. Solder has not wetted to the land where solder is required.

lousy wetting of 0805 film caps

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 23 20:56:08 EDT 2001 | davef

Print paste on tempered glass, place the parts, and reflow. What's the story?

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