Electronics Forum: lambda motor trouble (Page 1 of 2)

my12 motor amplifier channel a error

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 10 11:32:52 EST 2014 | rgduval

Hi, Hans, I would have suggested swapping the MOT card out to see if that fixes the issue (or, changing the MOT card with another one to isolate the card), but, it sounds like you've already done that. I'm surprised that MyData would point you towa

Mydata A12 tool tip damage

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 18 06:47:38 EDT 2007 | cyber_wolf

I was asking if it was a TP9 2U...... If you have a UFP machine then you are in luck. It is most likely the small X-motor. You can test it in the service program. Does the X-axis bounce when you are trimming magazines and stepping through placement

Ekra E5 Camera Y Stop Error

Electronics Forum | Fri May 20 12:14:25 EDT 2016 | strandy89

Im having trouble with and Ekra x5 machine. It works fine when up being run constantly, but if it sits for 10-15 minutes when you try to move the Y table to the front of the machine it makes a loud sound as if the table is hitting/catching on somethi

NEED HELP -Conceptronics oven HVC102 SERIES-trouble shooting

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 01 23:55:41 EST 2011 | cmguan79

Hi all, Need help troubleshooting for I've just bought a 1997 second-hand oven HVC102. Unfortunately, after loading profile & press run mode we found all TC READING IS ZERO & CONVEYOR READING FEEDBACK IS ZERO SHOWN ON MONITOR SCREEN ,& I LOSS PA

Ekra E5 Camera Y Stop Error

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 08 01:30:02 EST 2017 | nikkilouie

Im having trouble with and Ekra x5 machine. It > works fine when up being run constantly, but if > it sits for 10-15 minutes when you try to move > the Y table to the front of the machine it makes > a loud sound as if the table is hitting/catchin

IP2 placing parts shifted after servo fixed?

Electronics Forum | Mon May 04 14:24:12 EDT 2009 | jimmyboz

Ok, So, If all the servo amps on H1 remained on H1 and the amp you changed is on H2, I have to guess the shifting on H1 is unrelated to the servo prob. Is the shifting unsolderable? if it just looks bad but will reflow, it may have been occurring f

Heller Reflow Oven

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 17 11:19:14 EDT 2022 | proceng1

I have 4 Heller Ovens. 3 of them I don't have much trouble getting parts for. They are all 1800 Series with Windows operating systems. The 4th is a 1500 with more like a DOS looking interface. Many of the part numbers are obsolete, and difficult to

Recomendations? Fuji CP7 or Univ HSP4797?

Electronics Forum | Tue May 25 20:51:20 EDT 2004 | Grant

Hi, Thanks for the info, and this really helps a lot. So the change over time is really just loading the different feeders? That does not seem like too much trouble. How does the X and Y correction on the HSP effect real world placement accuracy? D

Homing Contact systems / versatec 3S. slow movement.

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 08 18:21:21 EDT 2019 | Aaron

I recently purchased a contact systems 3, and 3s, and 4 of their 3zs. they were all used in various states of working. supposedly one 3s and 3z were working when taken out of service and had sat for a few months. another 3z had a homing issues and th

GSM1 occasional fault

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 03 20:26:49 EST 2010 | mika

Hi, First: 1. What os/system? 2. what s/w version? 3. what type of machine model? 4. What type of head configuration? 5. Do you have this head front or back? 6. Do you have encounter this problem before? 7. Have you recently placed any new "high com

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